Truck Route Master Plan

Omar Shams, Project Manager
Transportation Planning
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 7474
Email [email protected]
The City of Hamilton Truck Route Master Plan (TRMP) provides a comprehensive, consolidated update to the existing truck route network. The TRMP also provides recommendations for future action, policies for truck route signage, and a methodology for dealing with truck route network issues in the future.
About the Truck Route Master Plan Update
The City of Hamilton has completed the Truck Route Master Plan review. The study explored opportunities to provide safe and efficient movement of trucks in Hamilton, support economic activities, minimize negative impacts of truck traffic on sensitive land uses, and balance between the industry and community needs. Based on the technical analysis and public and stakeholder inputs several alternative solutions were developed and evaluated and a preferred alternative was determined.
The updated Truck Route Network and Truck Route Master Plan Study Report was ratified by Council on April 13, 2022.
Download Truck Route Master Plan Update
New Approved Truck Route Network Map

Truck Route Network
The City of Hamilton is recognized as a goods movement gateway between Southern Ontario and international markets as a result of the goods movement corridors (rail lines, highways) and intermodal freight facilities (airport, port, rail yards) that exist in Hamilton. Virtually all goods consumed in Hamilton, and in the supply chain process reaches consumers by trucks. The City of Hamilton operates a designated truck route network that designates where truck traffic can travel in order to:
- Recognize and minimize the impacts of truck traffic on the interests of the greater community such as safety, congestion, noise, and air quality
- Support economic and employment activities
- Support the safe and efficient movement of goods and services
- Protect the City’s road infrastructure that cannot bear heavy loads or roads where truck traffic would be unsuitable (e.g. narrow lanes, weight restrictions on bridges)
Currently, the City is managing its truck route network using a hybrid truck route signing system utilizing both permissive and restrictive truck route signing. The most recent review of the truck route network was completed as part of the Truck Route Master Plan, which was approved by City Council in 2010. The study recommends ways to managing the truck route network, including maintenance, truck route signage, and a methodology for dealing with truck route network issues in the future.
Issues with the 2010 truck route network, and new policy influences have emerged, that are leading to challenges with the truck route network, including:
- The environment and Hamilton’s climate emergency declaration
- Public health, social equity, and roadway safety (Vision Zero)
- Network connectivity and area-specific issues
- Growth in new employment areas (e.g. Airport Employment Growth District, Red Hill Business Park), rural area issues
- Emerging truck technologies and policies.