Formal Consultation
Applicants are strongly encouraged to use Formal Consultation as a first step to streamline their application and tailor submission requirements based on the proposal.
The Formal Consultation process is no longer mandatory for planning applications and is at the discretion of the Applicant. However, Formal Consultation continues to be an integral part of the planning application process. Applicants are strongly encouraged to use Formal Consultation as a first step to streamline their application and tailor submission requirements based on the context of the proposal.
Formal Consultation is encouraged for applications for an:
- Official Plan Amendment
- Zoning By-law Amendment
- Draft Plan of Subdivision
- Draft Plan of Condominium (Vacant Land)
- Site Plan Control
Request a Formal Consultation
To request a Formal Consultation for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and/or Condominium:
Download Request a Formal Consultation Form
To request a Formal Consultation for a Site Plan Control Application:
Download Request a Formal Consultation Form for Site Plan Control
Refer to the Application Form for submission requirements.
Submit Application
All applications are required to be submitted in electronic format (PDF) via the Sync link.
To initiate a digital application submission, email [email protected] to obtain a Sync link to upload the completed application form, supporting information and materials. To complete the digital submission process, email [email protected] with subject line “NEW SUBMISSION – [Insert File Type] – [Insert Address]” to confirm that the upload to Sync is complete.
Alternatively, the application can be mailed or delivered in person to:
City of Hamilton
71 Main Street West, 5th Floor
Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 4Y5
Attention: Planning Division
Application Fees
For all planning applications, payment of application fees must be made when the application is submitted. The payment is considered a requirement of a complete application. Application fees are non-refundable.
Refer to the Planning Division Fees page for a complete list of application fees.
The application fee can be paid by cheque, certified cheque (payable to “City of Hamilton”), or by in-person credit card transactions. All cheques submitted to the Planning Division must be accompanied by a cover letter or Fee Intake Memo indicating: municipal address of the development; the application type, description of the fee, fee amount, and cheque number; Owner /Applicant’s name and contact information; Agent’s name and contact information; and if known, the assigned file number and assigned Planner’s name.
Review fees for other external agencies (Conservation Authority, Hamilton International Airport) may be applicable, and the applicant shall contact each agency for confirmation of their fees. Refer to the Application Form for more information.