Hamilton’s Climate Change Impact Adaptation Plan
Hamilton’s Climate Change Impact Adaptation Plan (CCIAP) is an evidence informed, action-oriented plan to help minimize the impacts of climate change on our residents, businesses and infrastructure. It especially looks to help those most vulnerable to these impacts, and to help reduce recovery time, costs and health impacts.
This Plan, created with ICLEI Canada through their Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities (BARC) framework, is based on up-to-date projections for Hamilton’s future climate throughout this century. It relies on global and national climate models reflecting a range of possibilities that the future climate could affect City operations and the community at large.
Hamilton’s Climate Change Impact Adaptation Plan creates evidenced-informed actions to help reduce impacts and protect our most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Drawing on a history of work, policies, and scientific information, the CCIAP will help Hamilton become a national leader in climate resiliency.