Advanced Leadership Programs

Advanced leadership programs provide a practical and hands-on approach to enable individuals to learn new skills and apply existing knowledge to be at the forefront of aquatic and leadership roles.
What's the pathway to become a certified Lifeguard and Swim Instructor?
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Bronze Star
Bronze Star develops swimming proficiency, lifesaving skill and personal fitness. Candidates refine their stroke mechanics, acquire self-rescue skills, and apply fitness principles in training workouts.
Course Length:
Recommended Prerequisite: Swimmer 9
Format: Pool
Course Manual: None
Bronze Medallion with Emergency First Aid
Bronze Medallion challenges the candidate both mentally and physically. Judgment, knowledge, skill, and fitness – the four components of water rescue – form the basis of Bronze Medallion training. Candidates acquire the assessment and problem-solving skills needed to make good decisions in, on, and around the water.
Course Length: 22.5 hrs
Prerequisite: 13 years old or Bronze Star Format: Pool, Lecture and Practical Exam
Course Manuals: Canadian Lifesaving Manual & Bronze Medallion Workbook (included in fee)
Bronze Cross
Bronze Cross begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding and prepares candidates for responsibilities as assistant lifeguards. Candidates strengthen and expand their lifesaving skills and begin to apply the principles and techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies.
Course Length: 22.5 hrs
Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid or Standard First Aid Certification
Format: Pool, Lecture and Practical Exam
Course Manuals: Canadian Lifesaving Manual (not included in fee) & Bronze Cross Workbook (included in fee)
Total Bronze w/ Standard First Aid and CPR C
Judgment, knowledge, skill, & fitness – the four components of water rescue – form the basis of Bronze Medallion training. Candidates acquire the assessment and problem-solving skills needed to make good decisions in, on, and around water. Bronze Cross begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding and prepares candidates for responsibilities as assistant lifeguards. Candidates strengthen and expand lifesaving skills and begin to apply principles/techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing/responding to aquatic emergencies. Standard First Aid provides comprehensive training covering all aspects of First Aid & CPR. It incorporates all of Emergency First Aid and is designed for those who require a more in-depth understanding of first aid including: medical/legal aspects of first aid treatment, spinal injuries, heat or cold injuries, bone and joint injuries, abdominal and chest injuries, burns and medical emergencies. Includes CPR-C certification and Automated External Defibrillation (AED)
Note: 100% attendance & participation is required.
Course Length: 40 hours
Prerequisite: 13 years of age or Bronze Star
Format: Pool
Course Manual: Lifesaving Manual, Bronze Medallion Workbook, Bronze Cross Workbook & First Aid Manual
National Lifeguard (pool option)
National Lifeguard certification is Canada’s professional lifeguard standard. National Lifeguard training develops a sound understanding of lifeguarding principles, good judgment, and a mature and responsible attitude towards the lifeguard’s role. National Lifeguard training emphasizes prevention and effective rescue response in emergencies including first aid treatment. Candidates develop teamwork, leadership and communication skills. Fitness requirements include a timed object recovery, 50 m sprint challenge, 50 m rescue drill and 400 m endurance challenge.
Course Length: 40 hrs
Prerequisite: 15 years old, Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid with CPR-C (need not be current, but must be issued from Lifesaving Society approved organization)
Format: Pool, Lecture and Practical Exam
Course Manual: Alert Manual (included in fee)
National Lifeguard RECERT (pool option)
This course is designed to test the candidate’s lifeguarding skills in order to maintain current certification at the NL level. Pool National Lifeguard certification is current for 2 years and is recertified by completing an NL recertification exam. The NL recertification exam is your opportunity to demonstrate your NL skills and recertify your award. You are responsible for reviewing the required content and skills and preparing yourself for the exam. The exam is based on the NL award recertification curriculum.
Course Length: 5 hrs
Prerequisite: Proof of Original National Lifeguard certification.
Format: Pool
Course Manual: Alert Manual (not included)
Combined Swim, Lifesaving and Emergency First Aid Instructor
The Lifesaving Society Swim Instructor course prepares the instructor to teach and evaluate the swimming strokes and related skills found in the Lifesaving Society Swim for Life program. Candidates acquire proven teaching methods, planning skills, and a variety of stroke development drills and correction techniques.
The Lifesaving and Emergency First Aid Instructor course prepares individuals to organize, plan, teach and evaluate lifesaving and first aid skills and resuscitation techniques in the Society’s lifesaving and first aid awards. Lifesaving and Emergency First Aid
Instructors are certified to teach Canadian Swim Patrol Program, Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross as well as Basic and Emergency First Aid, CPR-A-B-C. They may also teach Boat Rescue, Junior Lifeguard Club, Lifesaving Fitness and Wading pool Attendant. Successful candidates of the Swim, Lifesaving and Emergency First Aid Instructor course receive three certification cards: Swim Instructor, Lifesaving Instructor and Emergency First Aid Instructor.
Course Length: 40hrs (does not include lunch break)
Prerequisite: 15 years old, Bronze Cross (Assistant Instructors qualification recommended)
Format: Pool and Lecture
Course Manual: Swim and Lifesaving Instructor PAC (Included in fee)
Standard First Aid with CPR-C
Standard First Aid provides comprehensive training covering all aspects of First Aid and CPR. Standard First Aid incorporates all of Emergency First Aid and is designed for those who require a more in-depth understanding of first aid including: medical/legal aspects of first aid treatment, spinal injuries, heat or cold injuries, bone and joint injuries, abdominal and chest injuries, burns and medical emergencies. Includes CPR-C certification and Automated External Defibrillation (AED). Recognized by Ontario’s Workplace Safety & Insurance Board.
Course Length: 16 hrs (does not include lunch break)
20% discounted rate of course fees (excludes manual and exam fees) for older adults (over 55)
Format: Lecture
Course Manual: Canadian First Aid Manual (included in fee)
Standard First Aid RECERT with CPR C
Current Standard First Aid (SFA) award holders may recertify their Lifesaving Society SFA certification just once on a Lifesaving Society SFA Recertification Course not more than 3 years from the SFA date of issue. To renew SFA certifications LIFESAVING SOCIETY subsequently, award holders must repeat the full SFA Course. Individuals may renew by alternating recertification and original courses. Holders of SFA certificates from other agencies may not recertify their certificate on a Lifesaving Society recertification course. They may recertify only with the original certifying agency.
Course Length: 8 hrs (does not include lunch break)
20% discounted rate of course fees (excludes manual and exam fees) for older adults (over 55)
Prerequisite: Lifesaving Society Standard First Aid with CPR-C.
Format: Lecture
Course Manual: Canadian First Aid Manual (not included).
Lifesaving Society Examiner (virtual)
The examiner course is the first step in the three-step process to be appointed as an examiner for the Lifesaving Society, and prepares candidates to successfully apprentice as an examiner on the exam of their choice. The examiner course builds on the evaluation experience that candidates have attained in the instructor-evaluated content.
Course Length: 6 hrs
Prerequisite: Lifesaving and Emergency First Aid Instructor or First Aid Instructor or National Lifeguard Instructor
Course Manual: Lifesaving Society Examiner Handbook, Bronze Medal Award Guide or First Aid Awards Guide or National Lifeguard Award Guide (not included).
Lifesaving Society First Aid Instructors
The Lifesaving Society First Aid Instructor course prepares candidates to teach Basic First Aid, Emergency First Aid, Standard First Aid, CPR A-B-C, and AED.
Course Length: 20 hrs
Prerequisite: Standard First Aid with CPR C Certification.
Course Manual: Canadian First Aid Manual, First Aid Instructor Resource CD and First Aid Award Guide
Swim For Fitness
A great workout for children (6-12 years), youth and adults. Ideal for those looking to improve their endurance.
Format: Pool
Course Manual: None
Hamilton Lifesaving Club
A lifesaving sport program that is divided into two age groups 8-11yrs and 12-15yrs. “Lifesaving sport is the only sport whose skills are first learned for humanitarian purposes. Through lifesaving sport, the Lifesaving Society seeks to engage and inspire youth in our drowning prevention mission.” - The Lifesaving Society.
Lifesaving Sport Events include:
- Lifesaving Medley
- Manikin Carry
- Manikin Tow with Fins
- Object Carry
- Swim and Don Fins
- Swim with Fins
- Throwing Accuracy
Who should join the program?
- Individuals who are looking to become lifeguards.
- Individuals who have completed Swimmer 9 and are looking for a new program to try.
- Individuals who want to participate in some friendly competition and try new skills.
Course Length:
Recommended Prerequisite: Swimmer 9
Format: Pool
Course Manual: None