Indigenous Dates of Recognition
In 2015, the City of Hamilton committed to developing and implementing an Urban Indigenous Strategy that would identify actions and strengthen the City’s relationship with the Indigenous community in Hamilton. The key objectives of the strategy were created and developed in consultation with Indigenous and non-Indigenous residents.
- Identify actions within Hamilton and the City’s capacity arising from the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada’s Final Report.
- Celebrate and honour Indigenous people, cultures and traditions.
- Promote a greater understanding among all Hamiltonians through public education on the histories and contributions of Indigenous peoples.
- Create opportunities for education and internal collaboration among City staff to strengthen the relationship with the Indigenous community and service providers.
Throughout the year, the City of Hamilton recognizes several dates of significance for Indigenous communities, people and culture. These dates of significance are a time to celebrate, honour and educate ourselves on the diverse contributions of Indigenous peoples and acknowledge the commitment that the City of Hamilton has towards reconciliation that begins with understanding and education.
The City of Hamilton recognizes these days of significance annually:
- January 4 - National Ribbon Skirt Day
- March 31 - National Indigenous Languages Day
- May 5 - National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S+)
- June - National Indigenous History Month
- June 21 - National Indigenous Peoples Day
- September 30 - Orange Shirt Day/National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- October 4 - Local Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S+)
- First week of November - Treaties Recognition Week
- November 7 - International Inuit Day
- November 8 - Indigenous Veterans Day
- November 16 - Louis Riel Day