Waterfront Development Community Events and Updates

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West Harbour Project Overview and Pier 8 Greenway Rezoning
The City of Hamilton Municipal Land Development Office (MLDO) is inviting you to a community event to provide an update on various West Harbour projects and initiatives including a proposed rezoning application on lands referred to as the Pier 8 “Greenway” to permit parking underneath the Greenway.
A Community Consultation Event was held on, May 18, 2023.Visitors were able to view displays about various West Harbour projects, the Greenway rezoning application process, and the Greenway design project.

What Happened at Community Event
City staff and consultants:
- Provided an update on the various ongoing projects and initiatives within the West Harbour.
- Consulted with the neighbourhood in advance of the submission of a Zoning By-law Amendment application that would permit parking within the below grade portion of the Pier 8 Greenway.
- Informed the community about Pier 8 Greenway pedestrian-connection design project.
Note: Information about the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a residential tower on Pier 8 Block 16 will not be included in this event. Public sessions will be scheduled in June in relation to these applications and further notice of these events will be provided.
Presentation Materials

Contact Us
For more information about this consultation event, and/or if you have accessibility requirements, please contact:
Andrea Smith
Senior Development Consultant (West Harbour)
Municipal Land Development Office
Email [email protected] or
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 6256