Shirley Elford Emerging Artist Commission Prize
The City of Hamilton Arts Awards program is pleased to partner with the Hamilton Community Foundation to present the Shirley Elford Emerging Artist Commission Prize. In 2025 two emerging artists (practicing in any discipline) will each be given a $2000 commission fee to create an artwork that explores contemporary themes related to Hamilton’s evolving identity. The commissions will be presented at the 2026 City of Hamilton Arts Awards Event. This Prize is awarded in memory of the late Shirley Elford, a Hamilton artist celebrated for her excellence in glass work and her work giving back to the local arts community and community at large.
The Shirley Elford Emerging Artist Commission Prize recognizes artistic excellence and is intended to help support emerging artists in furthering their work and to provide opportunities for artists to promote and showcase their work.
Prize recipients selected by a jury, will receive:
- $2,000 in artist fees
- Presentation of their work at the Arts Awards Event or Online Presentation
- Civic and media recognition
Submit an application
Applications are due on or before Friday March 14, 2025
Incomplete applications and / or applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. Emailed, faxed, and post-dated submissions will not be accepted.
To submit by mail or in-person, download and complete an application package.
Deliver completed package to:
Visitor Experience Centre
28 James Street North, 1st floor
Hamilton, ON L8R 2K1
Attn: Jen Anisef
Application drop-off hours Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm
Closed all statutory holidays
Commission Prize Details
The intention of this opportunity is to showcase contemporary, emerging art practices that are reflective of the broader Hamilton arts community and the city’s evolving identity. The selected artists will be announced at the 2025 City of Hamilton Arts Awards and the commissioned artwork will be showcased at the 2026 City of Hamilton Arts Awards ceremony. This ceremony is typically a live event that attracts hundreds of people. There will be a variety of options to present artwork ranging from on-stage productions (e.g. performances of music, theatre, dance, spoken word, etc.) to installations and performances during the welcome reception (e.g. sculpture, performance art, exhibition / displays, etc.) to screen-based presentations (e.g. short film, new media, etc.). This opportunity is open to artists practicing in all mediums however the commissioned work must be in a format that can be presented at a live event.
Nomination and Celebration Opportunities
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Questions about the collection of this personal information can be directed to City of Hamilton Arts Awards, email [email protected] or call 905-546-2424 ext. 7612