Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

For more information, to provide feedback or to request an alternate format of documents:
Diversity & Inclusion Office,
Human Resources
Phone: 905 546 2424 ext. 8080
Email: [email protected]

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
The City’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan outlines how the City will maintain compliance with the legislative requirements and continue working towards being barrier-free.
The Plan is monitored by the Diversity & Inclusion Office in Human Resources. Annual status updates will be provided on the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
The City of Hamilton is committed to ensuring that Council, all levels of corporate management and staff, plan, implement and evaluate strategies and opportunities that sustain and maintain the rights of persons with disabilities and their families to barrier-free programs, services and opportunities. In so doing, the City implements the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 according to the legislation’s standards for
- Information and Communications
- Employment
- Transportation
- Design of Public Spaces (Built Environment)
- Customer Service