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The Child & Youth Health Atlas is a tool used by the City of Hamilton, local school boards, and community partners to identify, track, prioritize, and take action on health issues in order to protect and improve the health and wellbeing of children and youth in Hamilton.
The Child & Youth Health Atlas provides an overview of the health and well-being of the school-age population using some key indicators such as social determinants of health (e.g., employment, income, education), mental health, oral health, sexual health, visual health, immunization, early childhood development, and health behaviours, such as healthy eating and physical activity.
This tool has been shared broadly with City departments and programs that work with families, children, and youth such as Ontario Works, recreation, children and home management, public health programs, and with our school board partners to develop shared priorities and actions to achieve a collective impact and realize the City’s vision to make Hamilton the best place to raise a child, and age successfully.
The Child & Youth Health Atlas uses data from a variety of sources which are updated every 1 to 5 years. Indicators using data from 2019-onwards are based on the new City of Hamilton ward boundaries. Indicators using data based on the old (pre-December 2018) ward boundaries will be aligned with new ward boundaries as the data are refreshed. Though information is presented at ward level, it should be noted that metrics may vary significantly within different regions of a single ward. Also, unless otherwise stated, stratification of indicators by sex is based on sex at birth.