Mental Health Promotion

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At Hamilton Public Health Services, mental health promotion focuses on the mental well-being of our community. Public Health Agency of Canada defines positive mental health as "the capacity of each and all of us to feel, think, act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face. It is a positive sense of emotional and spiritual well-being that respects the importance of culture, equity, social justice, interconnections and personal dignity.
mental health promotion
- School Mental Health Ontario
School Mental Health Ontario is a provincial implementation support team. They help school districts enhance student mental health through the use of evidence-informed strategies and services. Since 2011, they’ve worked alongside the Ministry of Education, English and French school districts and school authorities, and a number of provincial education and health organizations to develop a systematic and comprehensive approach to school mental health.- Wayfinder Grade-by-Grade Guides to teach about mental health - These digital, clickable guides offer a variety of mental health lessons and learning activities organized by grade, including virtual field trips, lesson plans, Read Alouds, Grab and Go activities, and much more.
- Supporting Minds: Strategies at a Glance: Ideas to Support and Bolster Students with Mental Health Problems in the Classroom.
- Strong Minds Strong Kids (The Psychology Foundation of Canada)
The Stress Lessons Toolkits are programs designed to help educators teach their students (grades 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 9-12) stress management strategies and skills and build emotional resiliency in their students and themselves. - Ophea (Ontario Physical and Health Education Association)
- Ophea has worked in partnership with school boards, public health, government, non-government organizations and companies to develop programs and services. Their vision is that children and youth value and enjoy the benefits of healthy, active living.
- So Every Student Can Thrive is Ophea’s Equity-centred Strategy for Well-being in Ontario schools.
- Mental Health Resources (membership log-in required to access some resources)
- On My Way: A guide to support middle years child development (ages 6- 12 years)
- Stepping Stones: A guide to support youth development (ages 12 – 25 years)
- Assess your School: Assess how well your school is addressing mental well-being.
- School Mental Health Ontario Assess Your School and Make a Plan: Create a plan with actions and policies to improve the mental well-being of students and staff.
- Align healthy schools process plans with health-related goals in school improvement planning.
- Mentally Healthy Classrooms Reflection Tool: Create classrooms that support equity, diversity, inclusivity, and are identity-affirming environments.
- Promote the mental well-being of Educators.
- Advocate for policies that positively influence the school climate.
- Mental Health Literacy Course for Educators The MH LIT – Mental Health in Action course is designed to provide educators with basic knowledge and information related to mental health, strategies to enhance student mental health, and everyday practices for use in the classroom.
- Set up ways for students to be heard on decision-making bodies for schools, organizations and the community.
- Check out school-wide, classroom and student activities from Ophea's Ideas for Action (Mental Health).
- Provide opportunities for students to share their perspectives and solutions for community issues through media and arts projects.
- Work with students to host events and activities for their peers.
- Refer to youth engagement toolkits such as the Student-Centered Learning Toolkit for Engaging Students in School-Based Initiatives, Walking the Talk: A Toolkit for Engaging Youth in Mental Health, and YouthREX Youth Engagement Factsheet and Webinars.
- Advocate for physical activity in schools and other recreational opportunities for youth.
- Promote healthy eating as children and youth who eat nutritious foods have better mental and physical health.
- Refer to Healthy Schools: Linking Nutrition and Mental Well-Being for information from Ontario Dietitians in Public Health.
- Participate in Mental Health Week (May) with school announcements, student-led activities to promote positive mental health.
- Create Mentally Healthy Schools and Learning Environments where every student feels like they belong.
- Promote ways that parents/caregivers can support their child’s mental well-being using school newsletters and website.
- Inform school communities of the community agencies and services available in the Youth Services Guide – English.
- Coordinate activities with:
- Bell Let’s Talk (January)
- Mental Health Week (May)
- Additional available resources & community services:
- School Mental Health Ontario provides resources for parents/caregivers to help them promote positive mental health.
- Strong Minds Strong Kids has several resources such as tips and strategies for children and youth, parent articles, workshops and more.
- One Stop Talk provides free immediate access to mental health services by instantly connecting youth to a registered therapist.
- COAST- Crisis Outreach and Support Team St. Joseph’s Healthcare COAST Youth program in Hamilton serves children, youth and their families or caregivers who have mental health concerns and are in crisis. Call COAST at 905-972-8338.
- Lynwood Charlton Centre – Access & System Navigation is the place to call/connect to if you require child/youth mental health services. Call 905-389-1361 to speak to a Navigator.
- CAMH – the Centre for Addition and Mental Health CAMH provides resources on mental health topics for families, students, and professionals.
- Kids Help Phone provides information for children, youth and helping adults. Call Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868.
- McMaster Children's Hospital Family Resources provides information on educational courses and skills training workshops on a variety of topics, including parenting, child development and child and youth mental health concerns.
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