EarlyON Child and Family Centre Qualified Teams and Staff Requirements
Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) have specialized knowledge and expertise in child development and play and inquiry-based learning. They play a key role in delivering high quality early years programs.
Every EarlyON Child and Family Centre has qualified staff teams that are responsible for delivering programs and services. Qualified teams at each location include at least one RECE to deliver the core services related to supporting early learning and development.
RECE Exemption
Each EarlyON Child and Family Centre team of staff must have at least one RECE as a member. The City of Hamilton may grant a temporary director approval where a centre is unable to meet the staffing requirements. Service providers must apply for director approval through Hamilton Early Years Quality Analyst by email to [email protected].
Exemptions, if granted, are temporary and will be reviewed on an annual basis during the budget process. City staff will monitor and work with EarlyON Child and Family Centre service providers to develop strategies to meet the requirement.
Qualifications Upgrade Program
The Ministry of Education has funding available for individuals working within the early year’s sector aiming to pursue their Early Childhood Education (ECE) diploma designation. For more information, visit www.ecegrants.on.ca