Camp Kidaca Online Registration
Registration for 2025 Summer camps starts on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 8 am.
Programs will be available for review on Monday, February 3, 2025.
We would like to express our sincere thanks for your patience as we transition to our new registration software. Changes like these can sometimes cause disruptions, and we greatly appreciate your understanding as we work to enhance the experience for all users.
Please call 905-546-3747 or email [email protected] with any questions related to programming.
Check Out Our New Look!
The City of Hamilton offers Camp Kidaca, one of its most popular programs, year-round. Camp locations offer full day, and week long day camp programs. All locations are Ontario Camps Association and HIGH FIVE® accredited.
Programs & Schedules
Additional Resources
Online registration for 2025 Summer camps starts at 8 am on Wednesday February 12, 2025.
Programs will be available for review on Monday, February 3, 2025.
Registration for 2025 PA Days (January 24, February 28, April 4 and June 6) started on December 11 & 12, 2024 and these programs are available for registration.
- Email address is required for all online registrations.
- Immediate confirmation upon completion of registration. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Campers with disabilities or who require additional support in order to integrate and participate in Camp Kidaca programs must contact [email protected] or call 905-546-2424 ext. 6475 to register.
Review/create your account in preparation for registration
- Watch our online tutorials and familiarize yourself with the website prior to registration day.
- Existing registrants - Log in to review your contact information. Ensure all your family members are displayed under your account
- Payment Options - Visa, Visa Debit, Mastercard
What to Bring
- Dress appropriately for the weather
- Bathing Suit and towel
- Re-fillable Water Bottle
- Lunch, Snacks
- Sunscreen
- Hat
- Running shoes or sandal with a strap (no flip flops)
- No electronics or money
- Any medications clearly labelled with campers name - with medication authorization form
- Must wear the provided camper t-shirt on trip day
Camp Hours
8 am to 5 pm
Camper Drop off
Camp drop-off typically occurs between 8 to 9 am. If your camper does not arrive to camp by 9:15 am camp staff will call home to confirm the absence. If you know your camper will be absent in advance, please call the facility to let them know.
Camper Pick up
Camp pick-up typically occurs between 4 to 5 pm. Any adult authorized to pick-up campers must be identified on the Camper’s Information form. When picking up, please be ready to show photo identification. Campers will not be released unless the individual picking up is identified on the form and shows photo identification. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Campers will participate in large group games, crafts, songs, cooperative games and special events throughout the day. They will have the opportunity to meet new friends while participating in a wide variety of activities each day.
- Campers will have 2 snack breaks and one larger break for lunch.
- Junior and Youth campers will be swimming daily and will participate in a facility swim test on the first day of camp. Camp Kidaca adheres to City of Hamilton swim admission criteria regarding swim ratios and lifejackets. NOTE: Winona Junior Campers will not be swimming during PA Day camp.
- Camp staff will inform parents and guardians at pick-up of any important updates or concerns regarding your camper’s experience.
All children attending recreation programs are expected to behave in a manner which ensures their own safety and the safety of other participants, staff, and volunteers in the program. Staff will be responsible to communicate behavioural expectations, encourage appropriate behaviours and to use group management techniques to create an environment which prevents behaviours from happening. It is our goal is to provide a caring, respectful, and supportive environment for every individual, including children, public and staff.
Staff will make every effort to work with participants and their family to encourage positive behaviour. Continued unsafe or disruptive behaviour may result in the removal from program or suggestion of an alternative program.
Response for Dangerous Behaviours
Dangerous behaviours include those which endanger the health and safety of the participant, other participants, members of the public, or staff. These behaviours include but are not limited to:
- Aggression or violence towards self or others
- Fleeing, hiding, or refusing to follow the directions of staff
- Destruction of city property or others’ personal belongings
- Lewd or sexual behaviour
- Reoccurring offensive or rude language even after staff have addressed it
- On-going disruptive behavior, where behaviour management techniques and strategies have not worked
Parents, caregivers, and program supervisors will be notified as soon as possible of any dangerous behaviours and will result in the participant being immediately picked up and withdrawn from program.
Program participants may return where appropriate accommodations or supports can be implemented, in collaboration with the family, participant, and program staff.
Note, that not all programs are appropriate for every participant and program staff are unable to utilize physical restraint or intervention as a method of behaviour management. Refunds will be issued for any participant withdrawn from a program by the City of Hamilton.
Caregivers are required to review the Behaviour Management Procedure located within the Camper Information form and sign off.
City supplied support staff are available and provided at no additional cost for families. Due to high demand, registration is limited to two weeks per participant.
If your child requires a 1:1 support staff, you can visit www.hamilton.ca/inclusionrec or contact [email protected] for availability and support staff registration process.
Additional support includes:
- increased supervision by a trained, support worker dedicated to the care and safety of the camper at all times
- assistance with bathroom, changing and eating
- adaptation of camp programs for all participants
- facilitation and encouragement of friendships and appropriate social interaction
- opportunity to see the camp facility and meet the staff before the summer begins
Support staff are available 40 hours a week, 8 hours per day. Parents can request daily program hours of 8 am to 4 pm, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or 9 am to 5 pm.
External Support Person: You may provide your own support person. We welcome support persons who assist participants living with disabilities. Support persons are hired or chosen by the participant to provide assistance throughout the camp day. There are no fees charged for support persons (registration in the Camp Kidaca program still required).
Prior to the camp start date, the parent/guardian and the support person must review and sign the External Support Person Guidelines. To ensure the safety and positive experience for all participants, we ask that support persons adhere to the following guidelines:
- Support persons should have the maturity and knowledge to make decisions and sound judgment relating to the participant’s wellbeing and care.
- Support persons may not leave the program/program area with the participant unless permission is received from parent/guardian.
- Support persons will provide the camp counsellor with suggestions and input for adapted/ modified programming.
Recreation Assistance Program Subsidy and Child Care subsidy accepted. For more information, www.hamilton.ca/rap
For Camp Kidaca week long programs, a refund will be issued if notification is received 14 days prior to the beginning of the program. After that time and up to the start of program there will be a withdrawal fee charged. After the program has started programs become non-refundable. For medical reasons manager approval is required.
Visit www.hamilton.ca/recrefunds for up to date policy.
Ontario Camps Association (OCA)
The OCA logo identifies to campers, their families and staff that we meet industry standards – only accredited camps are able to use the OCA logo on literature and on their signs.
For more information, parents can visit: www.ontariocampsassociation.ca

The City of Hamilton Recreation Division is a HIGH FIVE® Accredited Organization and as such serves as the benchmark for excellence in children’s recreation and sport programming, focused on healthy child development and offering the highest recognized levels of quality and safety.
For more information, parents can visit: www.highfive.org/parent