Phase 2: Conformity Review - Rural & Natural Heritage System Focus

Charlie Toman
Program Lead - MCR
City Hall, 4th Floor
71 Main St W, Hamilton
Call 905-546-2424 ext 5863 or
Email [email protected]
Phase 2 of the Municipal Comprehensive Review and Official Plan Review has been initiated and includes updates to the Rural Hamilton Official Plan (RHOP) and the Natural Heritage System policies of both Official Plans for conformity with Provincial policy.
Staff will review the existing policies of the Rural Hamilton Official Plan against policy documents such as the Provincial Policy Statement, Niagara Escarpment Plan, Growth Plan, and Greenbelt Plan.
This will include these conformity matters:
- Agricultural System Mapping Refinements
- Natural Heritage Mapping Refinements
- Prime Agriculture and Open Space Policy updates
- Complementary RHOP updates, as per the UHOP updates of Phase 1a
Significant Woodland Update
A component of Phase 2 is to review and update the Rural and Urban Hamilton Official Plan Significant Woodland criteria and mapping. The purpose of this update is to provide Significant Woodland mapping that is reflective of current provincial guidance and best management practices.
- Stage 1: Providing recommended amendments to the definition of Significant Woodlands based on a review of provincial and municipal planning documents and stakeholder input. Once all stakeholder feedback is considered, the Planning Division will submit a report to Planning Committee with its preferred Significant Woodland definition and criteria.
- Stage 2: Using the updated definitions together with a common set of criteria, updating the Significant Woodland mapping in the Urban and Rural Hamilton Official Plans to be incorporated as part of the MCR. The scope of work includes using field work where required to verify mapping updates.