Re-enactment Participant Information

For additional information

Battle of Stoney Creek Re-enactment
Saturday, June 7, 10 am to 10 pm & Sunday, June 8, 2025, 10 am to 4:30 pm.
Free Admission
- 19th Century Encampment
- One-of-a-Kind Shopping
- Historical Demonstrations
- Indigenous Programming
- Musical Entertainment
- Old-Fashioned Games
- Food and Refreshments
Battlefield House Museum and Park, National Historic Site presents the annual Re-enactment of the Battle of Stoney Creek. Discover Canadian heritage and re-live firsthand the thrill and pageantry of the battle that was a turning point of the War of 1812.
Re-enactment Details
Public Event
- Saturday, June 7, 2025 - 10 am to 10 pm
- Sunday, June 8, 2025 - 10 am to 4:30 pm
- Saturday June 7, 2025 - 3:30 pm & 8:30 pm
Sunday June 8, 2025 - 2 pm
- More than 10,000 attendees in 2024.
- The longest continually running War of 1812 re-enactment in Ontario.
- 2024 marks the 40th year of the presentation of the event.
- A Top 100 Festivals and Events Ontario Event since 2004.
History in Action Day
Student Event
Thursday, June 5, 2025 - 9 am to 2:30 pm
Annual education day for more than 1,000 students.

Participant Information
We are committed to a safe and enjoyable event, as such; we reserve the right to limit participation, of a person or unit, in any activity due to infractions of safety rules or any conduct issues. Upon evaluation, participation may be restricted to the point of expulsion from this event.
Permitted Historic Weapons
Only “Reproduction Proof Tested Weapons” are permitted.
Only trained and knowledgeable persons are permitted to handle weapons or black powder.
Age Restrictions
- Participants must be:
- at least 16 years of age to be in possession of a musket or edged weapon at this site;
- at least 16 years of age to serve on an artillery crew or act as a powder monkey;
- at least 16 years of age to participate in battle scenarios, except as below.
- Drums and Regimental Colour Parties may field persons 13 to 16 years of age, under direct supervision, in battle scenarios. Please no individual camp or company flag bearers on the field.
Safety Inspection
- All participants using firearms or artillery must pick up an “Inspection Card” during registration.
- A site-approved Safety Inspector will inspect your weapon and endorse your Inspection Card as appropriate.
- The endorsed Inspection Card must be available for presentation on your person at all times.
Black Powder Safety
- “Class 1.1. – Black Powder” is the only propellant allowed at this site.
- "FFg" is the finest grade of black powder to be used for firearms.
- 100 Grains is the maximum load for muskets and will be pre-measured in adhesives-free paper cartridges.
- Black powder must be kept a minimum distance of twenty-five (25) feet from open fire.
- All black powder, black powder cartridges and artillery charges, must be stored safely and securely.
Artillery Crews
- Reenactor participants must adhere to the Parks Canada Management Directive 3.5.7, Historic Weapons (October 2001) and the accompanying Parks Canada Interim Technical Manual, while at this site.
- This site now adheres to the Fort Erie Artillery Memo, which states, “Unless designated Mortars or Howitzers, carriage axles must have a clearance of 60cm or 2 feet. Cannon barrels should be no less than 90cm or 3 feet.” If these restrictions disallow your gun, please approach another gun team to offer your services. There is currently a shortage of experienced gunners.
- Only Flintlock Firearms are allowed at this site.
- There will be no ramming of paper cartridge tubes, wads or projectiles.
- Firearms will not be pointed towards any person, loaded or unloaded.
- Flashguards and Hammer Stalls are required.
- Rammers will only enter the barrel of a firearm to prove the weapons safety, for maintenance procedures, or for demonstration purposes where there is no black powder in the barrel.
- Groups and individuals will submit their firearms for inspection to Safety Officers when requested.
Edged Weapons
- Edged weapons are never to be handled by the public and will be secured in their scabbards when in close proximity to the public.
- Marching is not permitted with fixed bayonets.
Safety Officer
- Safety Officers will have full authority to order a “CEASE FIRE” to any individual or unit, or to any Historic Weapons Demonstration or Battle Re-enactment, or at any other time, should any individual or unit engage in unsafe practices or if any person or persons should become injured or incapacitated in any way.
Firing Demonstration Safety
- Anyone firing reproduction historic weapons, including members of gun detachments, must wear natural fiber (preferably wool) outer garments for protection from flash burns.
- Safety glasses (shatterproof) are required if glasses are worn. Hearing protection is strongly advised.
- Firing demonstrations will not take place unless the firing range is clear.
Opposing Line Battle Re-Enactment Scenarios
- Opposing line battle scenarios will be fully choreographed prior to field activities. The chain of command using the pre-determined battle scenario will direct all persons on the field.
- Opposing line musket firing will be oblique firing or depressed to ground firing.
- 30 Meters is the closest range for opposing line musket firing.
- There will be no “Hand to Hand” combat scenarios.
- Opposing lines shall stay at least 10 Meters apart, i.e., at the end of a simulated bayonet charge.
- Under no circumstances will any person freelance or ad-lib during a battle re-enactment.
- When “Taking a Hit” re-enactors will ensure that their cartridge box is closed, their musket barrel has been emptied and the weapon is at half cock (safe) prior to taking the hit. When going to ground, secure the bayonet so that it does not come away from the scabbard.
- Marching is not permitted with fixed bayonets and bayonets will not be fixed during battle scenarios
- No Camp Followers are allowed on the field unless expressly part of a pre-determined battle scenario.
- Water Bearers must stay off the field during the battle scenario.
- Rockets are not permitted during the battle scenario as they present a projectile hazard.
Fire Safety
Whether the park is open or closed to the public these rules will apply at all times.
- Cooking fires are the only open-air fires permitted at this location. (Ont. Fire Code Reg. [1])
- Cooking fires must be extinguished when high winds or any other condition presents a fire hazard.
- Cooking fires must be at least 12 feet from tentage or other combustibles.
- A minimum of one period appropriate 2-gallon bucket of water must be present at each cooking fire.
- Water buckets must remain filled to capacity and may not be used for any other purpose.
- Water buckets must be readily available within 12 feet of the cooking fire.
- A modern extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A-10BC, which is canvas covered and clearly marked with the historic fire extinguisher symbol may be used in place of the water bucket.
- Any cooking fire that is no longer in use or which will be unattended must be extinguished.
- No cooking fire is to be left unattended, ever.
- The public must be kept away from cooking fires.
- Loose straw is to be kept at lest 12 feet from cooking fires.
- Intact bails of straw are not allowed in the encampment (the square bail is modern) and must never be used for seating or come within 12 feet of any cooking fire.
- Cooking fires are not to be “Stacked” or “Banked” overnight and must be completely extinguished.
- Do not dig Fire Pits (all areas of the park are archeologically sensitive). Cooking fires will only be constructed on the sheet metal fire plates that are provided.
- Every cooking fire must have an adult in charge of it. The adult in charge will never leave the immediate fire area without an appropriate adult replacement and will ensure:
- All of the above conditions are met.
- Any Children in the area are actively policed away from the cooking fire.
- That an appropriate alarm and reaction is initiated for any hazardous fire situation.
Please, Always Think Safety – For Yourself, Your Fellow Re-enactors, The Public and Children
We are committed to a safe and enjoyable event, as such; we reserve the right to limit participation, of a person or unit, in any activity due to infractions of safety rules or any conduct issues. Upon evaluation, participation may be restricted to the point of expulsion from this event.
Space Rentals
- Merchants are invited to:
- Set up and sell wares;
- Provide demonstrations/share knowledge about a certain aspect of 19th century history;
- Assist with the coordination of the event.
- Merchants must apply by April 12, 2024 to be considered for a space.
- Space is limited. Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The non-refundable fee for merchant space is $65 (CAN).Once approved, payment in full must be received by May 17, 2024. Payments will not be accepted at the event.
- The vendor fee is waived for volunteers of History in Action Day.
- The Re-enactment Committee reserves the right to refuse an application for any reason, at their sole discretion. Successful applicants will be notified upon approval of their application.
- Once approved, merchants are required to provide proof of insurance. Such proof can be obtained from your insurance agent or your military unit’s insurer in the form of a letter.
- The rented space is assigned to the registrant’s company or group only. No subletting of space is permitted without authorization and written consent from staff at Battlefield House Museum.
- Each designated space will be mapped according to the measurements you provide. Registrants are asked to strictly observe and respect these markings.
Please help us maintain the quality of this event by displaying and selling only items that are historically accurate and/or relate to the Napoleonic period. All merchant product will be inspected by the Re-enactment Committee during the event.
- Non-acceptable items include, but are not limited to;
- Non-period items
- plastic items of any sort
- cap guns
- dream catchers
- modern pow-wow items
- historically inaccurate turquoise jewelry
- Mexican or Navajo blankets
- food items produced outside of a health-inspected commercial kitchen
- sling shots or pistols using rubber bands or surgical tubing
- medieval items
- parts of products deriving from any threatened, endangered or otherwise protected species
- granite ware or enamelware
- percussion weapons
- goods of any kind, other than food items, in plastic packaging.
- Any items that may be construed as racially discriminatory are strictly prohibited.
- If any non-Indigenous merchant chooses to offer Indigenous-made products for sale, a letter of agreement between the artist and the merchant must be provided and the items must be labeled with the name of the Indigenous artist.
- The sale of pirated copies or any item acquired by archaeological excavation are strictly prohibited.
- If you have any question as to whether any items that you propose to sell might present a problem, please contact Brenda Branch, email [email protected], call 905-546-2424, ext. 7527.
- Selected merchants selling food are required to complete a City of Hamilton Vendor Health Form accessed through a link in the Registration form.
Exhibit Appearance and Vendor Behaviour
Please help us to enhance the atmosphere of the event by making your exhibit as authentic as possible.
- All merchants and all persons working in merchants’ tents must wear period clothing during all public hours.
- Proper period tents are required for housing wares, and for overnight camping (if applicable).
- Avoid or cover all plastic, plexiglass, cardboard, or other non-authentic display units, tables, chairs, and so forth.
- Historically-oriented modern items such as CDs, DVDs, and T-shirts are permitted if they are in good taste, of good quality, and are displayed tastefully in a historically-oriented unit or setup. These items should not be displayed prominently at your site. Similarly, packaging and labeling as required by the Department of Health and/or Health Canada is of course allowed. Goods of any kind other than food items packaged in plastic may not be displayed. Such goods must be removed from plastic or may be enclosed in sheer or opaque fabric for display. It is permissible to have one item, not in plastic, as a display, then provide items in plastic bags upon request as they are sold. These back-up items must be kept out of plain sight.
- Cooking fires, Hibachis, Coleman stoves, etc. are not permitted in the Merchant area.
- All registrants are expected to adhere to the rules of general good taste and conduct throughout the event, including during set-up and tear-down.
The following will be provided for the weekend:
- Lunch on Thursday for those who participate in History in Action Day
- Lunch on Friday for those who participated at History in Action Day
- Ticket for one meal on either Saturday or Sunday, for those who have pre-registered
- Breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning, for those who have pre-registered. Potable water available on site
- Firewood & fire pit trays
- Fire Plates and firewood (Re-enactors only)
- Overnight security Wednesday (if required), Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Set Up
Participants may set up in Battlefield Park during the following times only:
- Wednesday from 12 pm to 8 pm
- Thursday from 7 am to 8:30 am
- Friday from 12 pm to 8 pm
- Saturday before 8:30 am
Please note:
- There is no access to the site between 9 am and 2:30 pm on Thursday when more than 1,000 students will be on-site for History in Action Day;
- All vehicles and trailers must be removed from Battlefield Park on Saturday by 8:30am or they will be tagged and towed at the owner’s expense.
Take Down
- Participants may begin packing up and tearing down as soon as the event closes at 4:30 pm on Sunday.
- Please do not begin to pack or load before this time.
- Vehicles will not be permitted on-site until this time.
Reenactors' Consignment Event without the fee! Sell your outgrown or no longer used kit or camp equipment and/or pick up some second-hand bargains! **No tents or weapons**
Location Nash-Jackson House (at the back)
Set Up
Friday 7:30 pm until dark
Saturday 9 am
Saturday 9:30 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 5 pm
Sunday 9:30 am to 12 noon
Settle Up
Sunday 3 pm to 4 pm
Maps, Parking and Directions
Battlefield House Museum & Park is located at 77 King Street West, Stoney Creek, Ontario Canada, midway between Toronto and Niagara Falls. We are within 15 to 45 minutes of most vintners and vineyards in the Niagara Wine Region.
Parking and Shuttle Service
There is absolutely NO parking on-site during the Re-enactment event.
FREE parking and a FREE shuttle bus runs on Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm and on Sunday from 10 am until 5 pm. The shuttle and the event's outdoor activities are fully accessible.
Re-enactor and Merchant parking is available at the following locations:
- Stoney Creek Recreation Centre 45 King Street W., Stoney Creek
Parking available near the Arena(File, 216.1 KB)
Wednesday to Sunday - St. David’s Catholic School, 33 Cromwell Crescent, Hamilton
From 4:30 pm Friday to Sunday