Vincent Massey Park Expansion

John Vandriel
Landscape Architect
Email [email protected]

Vincent Massey Park Expansion
Engagement will allow residents to provide comments and feedback on how to best utilize this land while incorporating it with existing park amenities.

Vincent Massey Park is located at 685 7th Avenue in Ward 7. The park is about 2.1 hectares in size and fronts on to 7th Avenue, East 37th Street and Macassa Avenue. The north half of the park includes a playground, fitness stations, a sun shelter, a multi-use court, a paved pathway loop with benches, and tree plantings. The south half of the park (once a former school site and now expanded park land) is an open lawn area with some tree plantings near the street edge.
With the expanded park land at the south half of the site, we're now looking for ideas about what to do with this land and how we can incorporate it with the existing park amenities.