Vision Zero - Roadway Safety

Transportation Operations
Public Works Department
1375 Upper Ottawa Street
Hamilton, Ontario, L8W 3L5
Call 905-546-4376
Vision Zero uses a data-based approach to road safety with the goal of reducing traffic related serious injuries and fatalities towards the only acceptable goal: zero. Vision Zero aims for safer streets through improved education, enforcement, engineering, evaluation and engagement.
Vision Zero is a Swedish approach to road safety thinking. The Vision Zero concept makes human error part of the road safety equation, and has an ultimate goal of no deaths or serious injuries on roadways. Vision Zero is not about reducing accidents, it’s about road safety reform wherein no loss of life or serious injury is acceptable.
Road systems are based on the fact that drivers make mistakes. Vision Zero is about recognizing that traffic deaths and injuries are preventable, and improving the safety of roadways through education, enforcement, engineering, evaluation and engagement.
Hamilton Strategic Road Safety Program and Vision Zero Action Plan 2019 - 2025