Commemorative Park Bench & Tree Program

For additional information
Call 905-546-2489
Email [email protected]
Residents can send requests in but no scheduling or payments are being taken at this time.
Honour an individual or group by donating a bench or tree to your local park. Donations to the Commemorative Park Bench and Tree Program allow for substantial improvements to our parks and inspire community pride and a sense of place.
As per the City of Hamilton’s Donation Policy, the City will solicit and receive donations of funds, services and goods that enable it to reduce the cost of approved projects and programs; enhance existing services that do not increase operating costs; and finance desired projects and services that are not funded from the tax levy or other municipal sources. As such, the Commemorative Park Bench and Tree Program is operated at full cost recovery and therefore, donations listed on this website are subject to change without notice to reflect true costs.
Commemorative Donations
Eligible City Parks
City of Hamilton operates over 400 Parks with most being eligible to receive a bench or tree donation. Please review the Eligible Commemorative Parks map below for a complete listing of all eligible City Parks for the program. You will need to provide your top 3 parks for your bench and/or tree in order of preference on the donation webform.
Commemorative Park Bench & Tree Application
Please complete the Donation Webform to submit your request for a park bench, tree, and/or plaque. City of Hamilton staff will contact you via email to confirm receipt of donation once payment has been made and to request sign-off on your plaque proof before proceeding with ordering and installation.