Mental Well-being in the Workplace

The workplace can be a strong contributor to mental wellbeing, giving people the opportunity to feel productive and achieve their potential. However, it can also be a stressful environment.
With most adults spending more of their waking hours at work than anywhere else, and with many youth holding at least part-time jobs, addressing mental well-being in the workplace is important.
What Employers can do to Promote Mental Well-being
Employers can promote mental well-being in their organization through strategic direction, policies and supportive environments. It is not about assessing an individual employee’s mental health, rather it is about considering the impact of workplace processes, policies and interactions on the psychological health and safety of all employees. Solutions that address the organization and design of work itself, combined with helping employees address stressors directly, works best.
Workplace-Wide Approach and/or Policies
- Adopt the voluntary National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, which is is a set of voluntary guidelines, tools and resources intended to guide organizations in promoting mental health and preventing psychological harm at work.
- Provide training and support to managers and leaders in the workplace. View presentations and materials for facilitating discussion around a psychologically healthy and safe workplace
- Use Guarding Minds @ Work resources to assess and take action on factors affecting your workplace psychological health and safety as well as evaluate the impact of your action plan.
- Promote your workplace Employee and Family Assistance Program so employees know where they can get help.
- Consider including access to mental well-being and psychological support through your benefits program.
- Use Healthy Minds @ Work for information on recognizing and understanding mental health issues at work and developing and implementing mental health promotion programs.