Planning Policies & Guidelines
Transportation Assessment Guidelines
The Transportation Assessment Guideline aims to ensure that transportation network will be able to accommodate increased demand while minimizing negative environmental, social, and economic effects from a development. The assessment can range from a full to a trip generation letter.
Transportation Assessments are typically required when:
- An Official Plan Amendment (OPA) or Major Zoning By-Law Amendment (ZBA) is required
- Will generate more than 100 peak hour trips
- The development is not envisioned by the Transportation Master Plan (TMP), Secondary or Neighbourhood Plans
- Future road improvements have been identified, including new signals, roundabouts, etc.
- It has the potential to create adverse operational or safety impacts on the transportation network
The guidelines:
- Help determine the need for and focus of a study based on site location, proposed land use and development size
- Outline the acceptable form, content and documentation of the assessment
- Establish the methodology and format for studies and provide a basis to determine existing or future transportation network improvements needed
- Provide objectivity and consistency for all assessments submitted to the City of Hamilton
- Provide a basis for discussion between the City and the development community for mitigation measures, right-of-way improvements and potential for cost-sharing
These guidelines are an essential tool for ensuring that new developments and/or redevelopments integrate smoothly into existing transportation systems, promote sustainable mobility, and enhance the safety and well-being of all users. The guidelines:
- Review the potential impacts of proposed development or redevelopment on the existing and future transportation network for all modes of travel
- Identify existing or potential safety concerns
- Evaluate mitigation measures and strategies for inclusion as conditions of approval for the proposed development
- Use complete streets and multi-modal level of service (MMLOS) to optimize the existing transportation network and support all travel modes
Date modified