Phase 3: Official Plan Review - Local Objectives

Lauren Vraets
Senior Planner
City Hall, 4th Floor
71 Main St W, Hamilton
Call 905-546-2424 ext 2634 or
Email [email protected]
A component of the City’s Official Plan Review Workplan is to undertake a Local Objectives Review to ensure that both Official Plans are in in conformity and alignment with the land use and growth matters approved by the City which are not directly related to Provincial Conformity. This includes adopted Master Plans (e.g. Parks Master Plan), Strategies (e.g. Urban Forest Strategy) and Initiatives (e.g. Green Development Standards). This review also provides an opportunity to make refinements to Official Plan policies and mapping to improve clarity and consistency. The Local Objectives Review falls outside of the Municipal Comprehensive Review requirements under the Provincial Policy Statement and is therefore not subject to approval by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.