Mental Health & Street Outreach Program

How to access services
Contact IntAC (Intensive Case Management Access Coordination) Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm for a referral to access mental health and street outreach services.
Two teams work in the community at many locations and provide services for:
Street outreach services
For people age 16 and older who are homeless, staying in shelters or living on the street.
Help to connect to income sources, health care, housing and support services. The team works on the street, in shelters and in the community.
Street Outreach services operate Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 9 pm
Intensive case management
Public health nurses work with people age 16 and older with a serious mental health concern and currently living in a home with a fixed address.
Help to increase independence and participation in their community, as well as address health concerns. The team visits people in their home and in the community.
Intensive case management operates Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
We do not provide emergency or crisis services.