Apartment Blue Cart Recycling
The recycling program is available whether you live in an apartment building or a house. The same items that go in the blue box can also go in your building’s blue cart.
How apartment recycling works
Blue bags are provided for each apartment unit to collect and store all recyclables. If you do not have a blue bag, ask your superintendent for one.
When your blue bag is full, take it to your building’s recycling area and empty the contents of your blue bag into the correct blue cart. You have two choices - containers or papers.

The papers blue cart is for all clean dry paper products like:
boxboard (cereal boxes)
paper egg cartons
The containers blue cart is for everything else, for example:
glass or plastic bottles and jars
tubs and lids
metal and aluminium cans
juice, milk and soup cartons
plastic grocery bags and outer wrap. Bundle and tie your plastic grocery bags and outer wrap together.
Blue cart tips
Large blue carts store your papers and containers recycling material which will be collected at your building until your pick up day.
Blue boxes may be placed in common areas such as laundry rooms, mail rooms, recreational and patio areas.
Blue boxes must not block any exits and must not be in an area where there is no sprinkler system.

Apartment Recycling Tips
Put Waste In The Right Place
Sort Your Recycling Properly
Don’t Bag Containers In Grocery Bags