Brightside Park

If you have any questions or wish to submit a comment, contact:
Sarah Eakins, Landscape Architect
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 4667
Email [email protected]
Brightside Park (formerly known as Stadium Precinct Park) will be located on lands north of Lloyd Street and west of Gage Avenue in Ward 3 in Hamilton.
The site is approximately 5 ha. in size and is bounded by residential and commercial properties to the south, CN Rail lands to the north, Gage Avenue to the east, and industrial lands to the west.
The property was acquired to replace Brian Timmis field which was lost due to the realignment of Tim Horton’s Field. Located in an area of Hamilton that has historically been dominated by industrial development, this site is an opportunity to provide neighbourhood parkland amenities in a community that is deficient in green space.
The recreational program for the Brightside Park includes an artificial-turf soccer/football field with stadium seating and lighting, a field-house building with public washrooms, a parking lot and entry road.

The park program has been informed by consultation with the public and stakeholders. Park amenities will include an event plaza space with public art, playgrounds, a spray pad, a sun shelter, a multi-use court, a skateboarding ‘dot’, fitness stations, a grassy open space area, a street art wall and a pedestrian entrance gateway feature with display gardens.
Formerly known as “Stadium Precinct Park”, the name Brightside Park was recommended by the Ward 3 Councillor’s office and will act as recognition and celebration of lost heritage when the Brightside Neighbourhood was renamed Industrial Sector C Neighbourhood. The name of the park will remind residents of the area, and across Hamilton, of the vibrant neighbourhood that existed just north of the park location.
Brightside Park will be built on a parcel of lands north of Lloyd Street, the largest of which is 43 Lloyd Street. This property is the historic location of a glass manufacturing facility and when the City of Hamilton purchased it, had been home to heavy industrial use for over 100 years. To build a park on former industrial lands, the City of Hamilton is required to undertake an environmental reporting process to obtain approvals from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. This reporting and approvals process can take many years.
Stadium Precinct Timeline
- 2012 - Start of public consultation to shape the Stadium Precinct
- 2013 - Brian Timmis Field removed and construction started on Tim Hortons Field
- 2014 - Tim Hortons Field opened
- 2015 - Public Information Centre * Stadium Precinct Update
- 2018 - Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre opened
Brightside Park Timeline
- 2014 - City of Hamilton acquired the 43 Lloyd Street property (former Dominion Glass factory site) as well as 39, 45 and 67 - 81 Lloyd Street
- 2014 to 2016 - Preliminary environmental reporting
- 2015 - Demolition of Dom Glass buildings
- 2018 to 2024 - Environmental reporting and Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks approvals
- June 17, 2019 - Public Information Centre #1 – Priorities for the park - Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre
- Summer 2019 - Conceptual park design, including ongoing consultation with stakeholders
- October 28, 2019 - Public Information Centre #2 - Park Design Presentation - Bernie Morelli Recreation Centre Activity Room
- 2021 - City of Hamilton acquired Part 4 of 37 Lloyd Street and the west portion of 221 Gage Avenue North
- 2021 - Demolition of remnant Dom Glass basement structures
- 2021 to 2027 - Detailed design of park and field house, including environmental mitigation measures, Ministry approvals and permits
- 2028 - Possible start of park construction, pending Ministry and budget approvals