Community Improvement Plans and Financial Incentives

LEEDing the Way Community Improvement Plan
Staff are conducting a comprehensive review of The Hamilton LEEDing the Way Community Improvement Plan. Please visit the Engage Hamilton page to learn about the project a complete the online survey.
A Community Improvement Plans or CIP is a tool that allows a municipality to direct funds and implement policy initiatives toward a specifically defined project area. Section 28 of the Planning Act gives municipalities that have enabling policies in their official plans, the ability to prepare Community Improvement Plans.
Community Improvement Plans are intended to encourage revitalization initiatives and/or stimulate development and redevelopment. Once implemented, the Plan allows municipalities to provide tax assistance, grants or loans to assist in the revitalization of lands and/or buildings within the defined Community Improvement Project Area (CIPA).
Through Community Improvement Plans, municipalities can:
- focus public attention on local priorities and municipal initiatives
- target areas in transition or in need of repair, rehabilitation and redevelopment
- facilitate and encourage community change in a co-ordinated manner
- stimulate private sector investment through municipal incentive-based programs
Hamilton's current Community Improvement Plans
The Revitalizing Hamilton's Commercial Districts CIP provides the framework for City programs and initiatives intended to stimulate private sector investment and redevelopment. It focuses on municipal action and investment that promotes and enhances Hamilton’s various downtowns, commercial districts and mixed use corridors. The CIP functions as an implementation tool, meant to encourage development activities that implement the vision and policies established in related plans and strategies.
The intent of the ERASE CIP is to provide a comprehensive framework designed to improve economic opportunities and environmental conditions for brownfield sites and other environmentally impacted properties throughout Hamilton’s Historically Developed Area.
For more information, visit:
Review of ERASE Community Improvement Plan & Related Financial Assistance Programs
The City of Hamilton's Economic Development Division is undertaking a review of the existing Environmental Remediation and Site Enhancement Community Improvement Plan (ERASE CIP) which provides for various financial assistance programs to support the investigation, remediation and redevelopment of environmentally contaminated vacant or under-utilized properties, also known as ‘brownfields’.
The intent of the LEEDing the Way CIP is to provide an economic catalyst for sustainable improvements and enhancements to existing and future industrial, commercial, mixed use and multi-unit residential developments. This plan was designed to improve economic, environmental and social conditions in the city.
The Hamilton LEEDing the Way Community Improvement Plan and Project Area (2010)
For more information, visit:
The Housing for Hamilton CIP is intended to provide a framework for the provision of incentives which will minimize financial barriers to, and stimulate private sector investment in, the creation of a wider range and choice of housing to meet the needs of Hamilton’s residents through development or redevelopment of targeted, under-utilized properties within the Hamilton Urban Area that are suitable for accommodating new mixed-income, mixed-tenure and affordable residential developments.
- Housing for Hamilton Community Improvement Project Area
- Housing for Hamilton Community Improvement Plan
For more information on the financial incentive programs available under this CIP, contact:
Housing Services Division
Healthy and Safe Communities Department
Call 905-546-2424
The Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Support Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is intended to provide grants and/or loans, through the City of Hamilton’s financial incentive programs. These are available to registered owners of residential land and buildings including rental properties, to pay for the whole or part of the eligible costs of a project intended to mitigate/adapt to the impacts of climate change and to improve the health of Hamilton residents.
- Water and Wastewater Support Infrastructure Community Improvement Plan
- Water and Wastewater Support Community Improvement Project Area
For more information on the financial incentive programs available under this CIP, visit::