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How do I get a marriage licence?
You can apply for a marriage licence at municipal offices and city halls.
In Ontario, you must get a marriage licence before you get married. It is only valid for 90 days, so you must apply for your marriage licence within 3 months of the day you plan to get married.
Apply to the City of Hamilton for an Ontario Marriage Licence:
- Complete and print the
Marriage Licence Application Form - Bring the printed application form, along with appropriate ID to a Municipal Service Centre.
- Both applicants must sign and date the printed form (must be original signatures – no photocopies or scans).
Purchasing a Marriage Licence
Visit a Municipal Service Centre with the following:
- A completed and signed Marriage Licence Application Form printed from your online submission; and
- The licence fee $178 (HST does not apply). You may pay by cash, money order, debit or credit card); and
- For both applicants, two pieces of valid government issued identification (review required identification below); and
- If necessary, the original court certified copy of your Canadian divorce certificate or Foreign Divorce Authorization (review prior marriages below).
Extended expiry dates
Expiry dates for most marriage licenses impacted by province-wide declarations of emergency have been extended.
Learn more about timeframes and replacement licenses
In Ontario, there are no residency or citizenship requirements or blood tests and medical certificates requirements in order to obtain a marriage licence.
However, you will be required to certify information under oath. Bring an interpreter to assist you if you do not understand or are not able to read English.
Each person applying for the marriage licence must bring 2 pieces of original and current government issued identification (ID) from this list:
- Two pieces of Identification must provide your legal name and date of birth.
- Your first and last names must match on the two pieces of ID that are presented.
- To have your middle name(s) included on your marriage licence it must also appear on both pieces of ID.
- At least one piece of identification must include a current photo and signature.
- Identification must be valid and original. We will not accept photocopies, or scanned images/documents.
- ID on the list can be from any country, as long as it is government issued.
- If the ID is not in English, a written translation from a certified translator is required.
- Health Cards and S.I.N. cards will not be accepted.
Acceptable identification
- Birth Certificate
- Passport
- Driver’s Licence
- Ontario Photo ID Card (Purple photo ID card)
- Native Status Card
- Certificate of Canadian Citizenship
- Canadian Citizenship Card (only if accompanied by current government issued Photo ID)
- Canadian Government Refugee Documents
- Record of Immigrant Landing
- Permanent Residency Card
- Confirmation of Permanent Residency
- Citizenship Card from another Country (only if accompanied by current government issued Photo ID)
- Identity Card from another Country
- Nexus Card
- Firearms/Possession Licence
Canadian divorce
If you were granted a divorce in Canada from a previous marriage, you must bring one of the following with your marriage licence application:
- Original Certificate of Divorce
- Decree Absolute, or
- Court-certified true copy of either Document.
Please note: Ensure the Certificate is stamped or sealed, as some provinces only seal upon request.
Do not bring these documents, as they are not acceptable
- Photocopies of documents
- Divorce Judgement
- Divorce Order
- Decree Nisi issued by the Court
- Non sealed or stamped certificates
We will return all documents.
Divorce outside of Canada
If you annulled or dissolved your previous marriage outside of Canada, you must get permission from the Office of the Registrar General before we issue you a marriage licence.
To get permission, you or your lawyer must send the following by mail:
- A completed marriage licence application signed by both applicants.
- One of :
- The original Certificate of Divorce
- the Decree Absolute
- Court-certified copy of these documents. A court-certified copy means certified by the proper court officer in the jurisdiction that granted the divorce or annulment.
- If the documents are not in English or French, include a translated copy with an affidavit sworn by the translator.
- A Statement of Sole Responsibility for each divorce signed by both applicants. Get a paper copy at the City Clerk's Office or online at the Registrar General of Ontario.
- A legal opinion from an Ontario lawyer addressed to both applicants, giving reasons why the divorce or annulment should be recognized in Ontario.
Mail these documents to:
The Office of the Registrar General
PO Box 4600
189 Red River Road
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 6L8
Widows or widowers
Widows or widowers do not have to show a death certificate to get a marriage licence.
In accordance with the Marriage Act, people 18 years of age and above can get a marriage licence provided the completed application and additional required information is submitted.
If you are 16 or 17 years of age, you must submit a completed Consent of Parent or Guardian to Marriage Form signed by both parents or legal guardians when you apply for a marriage licence. You can also get a paper copy from the City Clerk's Office.
- It must be an original application signed by both parties.
- You must show the original ID or documentation for your absent partner.