Healthy & Equitable Schools

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We recognize the importance of creating welcoming environments, fostering a sense of belonging, and maintaining safe spaces help children and youth achieve academic success and protect overall mental and physical health. In order to equitably serve all students, we must acknowledge and recognize that there are historically and systematically underserved and underrepresented populations. In order to maintain a healthy school community, we must appreciate that each student is different and may require us to enact different considerations and resources to prevent and reduce negative outcomes related to systematic and social barriers.
Getting Started
Here are some great resources to help with school improvement planning and assess how you can make your school community healthier and more accessible;
Diversity and Media Toolbox
This toolbox covers media portrayals of diversity and online hate, in a variety of ways such as professional development tutorials, lesson plans, interactive student modules and background articles.
Cultural Humility Self-Reflection Tool
To be completed individually, this tool is meant to help you become more intentional, mindful, and reflective about biases and how they impact your work.
SMHO Leading Mentally Healthy Schools Reflection Tool
Reflection tool intended to help school leadership teams reflect on core elements of mentally healthy schools to support overall school improvement planning.
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
Diversity and Media Toolbox
This toolbox covers media portrayals of diversity and online hate, in a variety of ways such as professional development tutorials, lesson plans, interactive student modules and background articles.
Who's Telling My Story?
Lesson plan for grades 9-12 exploring the complex history of diversity being portrayed in media.
Supporting Mentally Healthy Conversations About Anti-Black Racism With Students
Resources and considerations for Educators supporting meaningful classroom conversations about Anti-Black racism. This info sheet guides Educators to support students in reflection, learning, engagement and action in meaningful ways.
Draw The Line Against Transphobic Violence - Complete Educator Guide
Library of resources that can be used to support prevention and intervene in instances of transphobia, trans discrimination and transphobic violence.
Professional Development & Classroom Educational Materials: Relearn and React
Modules, toolkits, videos and other resources that provide education about LGBTQ2S+ history, social constructs and barriers, as well as curriculum-based lesson plans that foster LGBTQ2S+ inclusive learning.
Fact Sheet: How Adults Can Support LGBTQ2S+ Youth
Recommendations for how to be a supportive adult for LGBTQ2S+ youth and how to participate in effectively creating a safe, affirming, and healthy school environment.
Practices to Support Improved Educational Outcomes for Indigenous Youth
Practices that will improve educational outcomes for Indigenous youth by promoting increased confidence, strengthened cultural identity, cooperative learning and mentorship programs, and enhanced critical thinking skills.
Four Practices for Culturally Grounded Programs for Indigenous Youth
Evidence brief outlining practices to support the design, development, and evaluation of culturally grounded programs for Indigenous youth.
Orange Shirt Society
Library of resources for Elementary and Secondary Educators looking to discuss Indigenous culture and history, the Residential School System, Truth and Reconciliation, and/or current events in the classroom.
An Indigenous Perspective on Cannabis Use and Vaping: A Toolkit for Educators
The history and significance of cannabis in Indigenous culture and recommendations for discussing cannabis use with Indigenous students in a culturally competent manner.
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation: Virtual Education
A free virtual education program designed for students in grades 1-12. Program consists of a curriculum guide, PowerPoint slides, videos, and music related to Indigenous history and culture.
Teaching about Refugees
Materials for primary and secondary Educators to support teaching about refugees, asylum and migration as well as guidance for adults supporting children with refugee status in the classroom.
The Destructive Effects of Stereotypes and Assumptions
OPHEA lesson plan, engaging students in grade 6 with curriculum connections related to self-awareness and critical thinking skills to analyze the impacts of harmful assumptions and stereotypes on relationships and sense of belonging.
Supporting English Language Learners
Resources and considerations for Educators working with English Language Learners from Grades 1-8, including Ministry of Education resources.
UNHCR Language Learning Guidebook
Guide designed to support and inform Educators supporting English Language Learners from Grades 1-12.
Canadian Disability Participation Project
Toolkits for supporting quality participation in sport for children and youth with physical or intellectual disabilities.
OPHEA Disability-Centred Movement: Supporting Inclusive Physical Education
Free online resource, developed to support Educators in designing a physical education program for students with disabilities, and approaches to engage students with disabilities in enriching experiences to develop their physical skills.
Classroom and School Leadership
Cultural Humility Self-Reflection Tool
To be completed individually, this tool is meant to help you become more intentional, mindful, and reflective about biases and how they impact your work.
How Racism Can Affect Child Development
Infographics, articles, podcasts and other educational materials explaining the impact that racism has on the developing child and what supportive adults can do to foster positive outcomes for all students.
Understanding Anti-Black Racism
Exploring the impacts of racism, bias, stereotypes, and their impacts on mental health and well-being.
SMHO Leading Mentally Healthy Schools Reflection Tool
Reflection tool intended to help school leadership teams reflect on core elements of mentally healthy schools to support overall school improvement planning.
Gender-Based Violence Prevention Education Module
Educational modules to enhance teaching of consent and gender-based violence prevention in schools.
Webinar: Affirming Adults - A Safe Return to Class
Interactive 75-minute webinar that explores the vital role adults across the whole school community can take up in promoting environments where LGBTQ2S+ youth can thrive.
FREE online course for educators supporting LGBTQ2S+ athletes and inclusive physical activity programs looking to gain skills that support inclusive and equitable policies, promote gender-inclusive spaces, and use respectful language when communicating with youth athletes.
Calls to Action Accountability: A 2022 Status Update
Calls to Action relevant to Education, Culture and Health from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which has released its six-volume final report and 94 calls to Action.
Supporting the Mental Health of Newcomer Students at School
Creating welcoming and identity-affirming school environments helps to promote and support the mental health of students who are newcomers to Canada.
Creating Welcoming Environments for Newcomer Students
Ways to create a welcoming environment for students who join the school community from different countries and cultures, to foster a sense of belonging, overall mental health and well-being.
Supporting Newly Arrived Young People from Immigrant & Refugee Populations
Panel discussion contextualizing language such as “refugee” and “asylum”, experiential learning about migrant experience, and how to create a supportive environment through positive and culturally appropriate mentoring practices.
Active Living Alliance Tip Sheets
Tip sheets to help leaders support inclusive physical activity, recreation and sport programming for students with disabilities.
OPHEA Play for All
Library of resources to support professional development and curriculum planning that ensures safe, inclusive spaces for children and youth living with disabilities and promote physical activity.
Student Engagement
Students identifying with and valuing their learning, feeling a sense of belonging, and being informed, engaged with and empowered by academic and non-academic activities.
Diversity and Media Toolbox
This toolbox covers media portrayals of diversity and online hate, in a variety of ways such as professional development tutorials, lesson plans, interactive student modules and background articles.
Self-Love Practices for Black Youth
Developed using the thoughts and ideas shared by Black students themselves. Bundle of self-love practices encouraging students to practice mindfulness, take breaks and distance from unsafe and unhealthy spaces.
Supporting Gender and Sexually Diverse Students
Guides, posters, classroom games, and literary resources for Educators and School Administrators, outlining barriers for 2SLGBTQ+ student participation in school-based physical activity and recommendations to spark positive change, combat discrimination, and educate staff and students about the importance of fostering positive, safe, inclusive spaces.
LGBTQ2S+ Affirmation Colouring Book
This colouring book is a great student engagement activity for positive space groups and school communities, featuring beautiful, creative, and heartwarming artwork created by LGBTQ2S+ youth themselves.
Gender Loot Bags Student Activity
Student engagement exercise examining socially created expectations for gender in children’s loot bags to raise awareness of gender norms and spark meaningful conversations about gender experience and expression.
LGBTQ2S+ Youthline Resources
Library of resources specifically tailored for LGBTQ2S+ youth including; Boundaries Are Beautiful video, activities to support social emotional learning, LGBTQ2S+ colouring pages and local artist highlights, annual reports and statistics.
The Learning Circle
Games, activities, and stories for classrooms (ages 4-16) related to Indigenous history, as well as Truth and Reconciliation.
Scholastic Truth and Reconciliation Resources
Resources for parents, Educators and students to help facilitate meaningful conversations about Truth and Reconciliation.
Starting From the Heart: Going Beyond a Land Acknowledgement
Four classroom or group activities to engage students in Indigenous learning.
Eight Good Practices to Engage Racialized, Newcomer & Refugee Youth
Practices to take into consideration when engaging with children and youth that identify as racialized and/or newcomer community groups.
Canada Connects: Bringing newcomers and Canadians together
Find local opportunities to engage with the community to support newcomers.
What does RACISM have to do with me? Learn, Think & Act
School Mental Health Ontario poster inviting students to self-reflect on racism.
Who's Telling My Story?
Lesson plan for grades 9-12 exploring the complex history of diversity being portrayed in media.
Let's Raise the Roof - A Social Model of Disability
Video exploring what it is like to live in a world that is not made for you, following a character who is non-disabled, navigating a world designed to support people who use wheelchairs.
Colour by Question: Non-Verbal Feedback Tool
Art-based tool to facilitate feedback and communication for individuals who experience a language barrier or who live with a disability impacting communication.
Social and Physical Environments
Healthy, safe, caring social and physical environments that support learning and contribute to the positive cognitive, emotional, social, and physical student development.
Equity and Mental Health
Resources to help break down barriers to equitable mental health outcomes by supporting boundary-setting and healthy group norms, outlining tips for caring adults and allies, and providing tools to transform classrooms into safe spaces for all.
Learn, Think, Act: What Does Racism Have to do With Me?
Posters with messaging that can help identify actions students can take to stand up against racism and help better their community.
Tools for Student Groups: Developing Healthy Group Norms
Supportive group spaces allow students and staff to come as their whole selves. A lack of such spaces negatively impacts marginalized communities who often experience harm through microaggressions and acts of discrimination.
How to Foster and Maintain Supportive Spaces for Black Youth
Being in a supportive space is crucial for developing a sense of comfort and well-being for Black youth.
Draw the Line: Resources Promoting Mentally and Physically Safe Spaces for LGBTQ2S+ Youth
Library of resources to help participants recognize and intervene in harmful dynamics, and build skills for fostering cultures of consent, gender inclusion, and healthier relationships overall.
Fact Sheet: Inclusive and Affirming Language Tips
One-page resource that addresses easy ways to change gender-oriented everyday language.
Tips on How to Practice LGBTQ2S+ Allyship
One-page document outlining ways to practice Allyship through continuous education, active practice, and self-reflection.
Ways of Acting in Allyship
Infographic resource outlining ways to respond to hurtful or offensive behaviour as an ally or community member.
Youth Line FREE Mail-In Posters & Resources
Free resources to help create visually inclusive spaces with resources and helplines that support LGBTQ2S+ youth.
SMHO Resources for Indigenous Youth
Tips for staying well, signs of mental illness, and how to ask for help. This resource also includes mental health support for Indigenous children and youth. Services are available in French, Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut.
"Indigenous Futures" A playlist of First Nations, Metis and Inuit music
Spotify playlist shared by YouthRex, highlighting and celebrating the musical accomplishments and talents of First Nations, Metis and Inuit artists from across Turtle Island.
Land(ing) Back: Recentering Indigenous Youth Voices in Climate Action and Reconciliation
Climate change and environmentalism in the context of reconciliation and ongoing challenges experienced by Indigenous communities and how students can engage their communities to support a Green Recovery.
Eight Good Practices to Engage Racialized, Newcomer & Refugee Youth
Practices to take into consideration when engaging with children and youth that identify as racialized and/or newcomer community groups.
Canada Connects: Bringing newcomers and Canadians together
Find local opportunities to engage with the community to support newcomers.
What does RACISM have to do with me? Learn, Think & Act
School Mental Health Ontario poster inviting students to self-reflect on racism.
Who's Telling My Story?
Lesson plan for grades 9-12 exploring the complex history of diversity being portrayed in media.
Let's Raise the Roof - A Social Model of Disability
Video exploring what it is like to live in a world that is not made for you, following a character who is non-disabled, navigating a world designed to support people who use wheelchairs.
Colour by Question: Non-Verbal Feedback Tool
Art-based tool to facilitate feedback and communication for individuals who experience a language barrier or who live with a disability impacting communication.
Home, School and Community Partnerships
Partnerships that engage families, school staff, and community groups in a collaborative way to support, enhance and promote opportunities for learning, policy development, programs and initiatives.
Kids Help Phone - Support for Black Youth
Support for black youth; text "RISE" to 686868 for support
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Various mentorship programs and opportunities for groups or individuals that help support youth reach their full potential despite the societal barriers and adversities they may be experiencing.
LGBTQ+ What Does it Mean?
Information about sexual orientations, gender identities and commonly used terms for youth to better understand themselves and those around them.
The Trevor Project: Coming Out Handbook for Youth
Exploring sexual orientation and/or gender identity can bring up a lot of feelings and questions. Inside this handbook, youth can explore their identity, what it might be like to share their identity with others and provide them with tools and guiding questions to help explore what coming out means to them.
Hamilton Health Sciences Resources
List of resources available through or affiliated with Hamilton Health Sciences, tailored to support LGBTQ2S+ youth.
Rainbow Health Ontario
Database of health providers who are committed to providing LGBTQ2S+ inclusive and affirming care.
Rainbow Refugee Assistance Partnership (RRAP)
Program providing services to LGBTQ2S+ individuals seeking refuge from LGBTQ2S+ hate and violence.
pflag Canada
Community engagement opportunities provided by local chapters that also offer monthly group meetings.
Transcend Youth Group & Other HWDSB Groups
HWDSB offers several group resources to help ensure all students feel supported in their identities and experiences.
City of Hamilton Indigenous Relations
Hamilton specific Indigenous Resources including land acknowledgement, urban Indigenous strategy, dates of recognition, local events, and local events, landmarks and monuments.
Woodland Cultural Centre
Resource center that offers a variety of tours, education programs, and workshops that offer interested visitors the opportunity to learn about current issues, culture, food, art and history Southern Ontario’s First Nations peoples
Hamilton Regional Indian Centre
Resource center by Indigenous peoples themselves, that provides a safe space for Indigenous community members to gather, heal, access services and participate in cultural teachings and practices.
Native Women's Centre
Centre that provides culturally safe resources and emergency shelter to women experiencing family violence, with special consideration for Indigenous families and their lived experiences.
Six Nations of the Grand River
Indigenous support center tailored to providing administrative assistance, emergency services, housing, justice, land, Ontario works, recreation and social services resources to Indigenous community members.
Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg
Indigenous organization that provides services and programming that support safer spaces for Indigenous people across the life cycle that are rooted in culture and language.
The Indian Residential School Survivors Society
Provincial organization that provides essential services to residential school survivors and families experiencing intergenerational trauma. Services include counseling, cultural support, community initiatives, and a 24 hour crisis line 1-(800)-721-0066.
CMHA Services for Indigenous Children and Youth
Resources and programs that support culture and healing for Indigenous community members as well as engagement and learning opportunities for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous community members.
The Impact of Community Violence Exposure on Newcomer Youth
Created in partnership with the Toronto Youth Equity Strategy, this toolkit aims to build resiliency, understanding, and access to supportive systems for youth most vulnerable to violence based on social determinants of health and lived experience.
Cultural Humility Self-Reflection Tool
To be completed individually, this tool is meant to help you become more intentional, mindful, and reflective about biases and how they impact your work.
Enabling Participation: Research with Youth People on Ableism
Cartoon infographic communicating barriers to people living with disabilities accessing services and maintaining independence.
Teaching Strategies For The Inclusive Classroom
Tips for Educators supporting students who live with hearing impairments, visual impairments or physical disabilities. Includes posters that encourage inclusive and safe classroom spaces.