Hamilton Paramedic Service Master Plan
Developed through extensive research, resident surveys, internal discussions and external consultation with key community partners, the Hamilton Paramedic Service (HPS) Master Plan maps out a strategic framework for how it will deliver paramedic services in Hamilton over the next ten years.
This is the first 10-year Master Plan to guide the business of HPS. It considers the diverse and dynamic needs of people in Hamilton and aims to establish the groundwork to achieve transformative paramedic service through technological advancements, innovative thinking, resource allocation and optimization of operations.
Download the Hamilton Paramedic Service Master Plan (2022-2031)

Priorities of Master Plan
The HPS Master Plan identifies five priorities and 29 distinct objectives with corresponding actions to ensure optimal paramedic services are delivered to Hamilton’s residents now and in the future. The objectives are organized into categories that align with each of the priorities.
1. Operational Integration
A system of health care services that is well-coordinated and integrated enhances access to services, provides seamless comprehensive patient care and reduces duplication of services and costs.
HPS is committed to operating with more integration, within the City of Hamilton and the broader health care system.
Objective categories
Modernized dispatch
Central logistics
Integrated patient record
2. Infrastructure Progression
To achieve optimal performance, sufficient infrastructure needs to be in place. This includes adequate facilities, availability of resources and advanced information technology systems to ensure HPS operates effectively and efficiently.
Objective categories
Adequate response resources
Enhanced logistics
Sufficient facilities
Advanced IT
3. Service Delivery Optimization
By enhancing current activities, HPS can maximize how services are delivered.
Ensuring resources are available to respond when needed and paramedics are equipped to serve the diverse needs of the community, it will aim to improve cost efficiency.
Objective categories
Enhanced deployment
Reduced offload delays
Increased cultural competency
Increased virtual care
4. Positive Work Culture Elevation
A safe and just workplace engages employees, increases morale, performance and retention.
HPS is committed to strengthening the workplace culture by developing its people and keeping them healthy and satisfied in an inclusive work environment.
Objective categories
Just and safe culture
People-focused culture
5. Healthy and Safe Communities Protection and Promotion
Having equal access to services and supports to ensure people feel safe from harm is the focus of HPS operations.
HPS is dedicated to enhancing efforts to promote and protect the health and safety of the community through proactive and responsive activities.
Objective categories
Expanded, centralized and sustained mobile integrated health
Broadened scope of practice
Specialized services
Contingency response preparedness
Reduced carbon footprint