Exhibit Opening at Dundurn National Historic Site Honouring our Sisters, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
HAMILTON, ON – The Hamilton Urban Indigenous Strategy in partnership with local indigenous youth invites the public to attend the Opening Night of the Honouring our Sisters, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Exhibit on Thurs. Sept. 26 from 6 to 8 pm at Dundurn National Historic Site, 610 York Blvd.
The event will consist of a traditional opening, drumming, acknowledgements, Honouring our Sisters video, guest speakers, tours and refreshments. The exhibit will be available for public viewing through Tues. Nov. 5, 2019.
The exhibit focuses on the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Final Report Calls for Justice #1.9: “We call upon all governments to develop laws, policies, and public education campaigns to challenge the acceptance and normalization of violence.”
“The exhibit will bring awareness to many of the untold stories of the MMIWG, highlight statistics around violence amongst women and girls, showcase local Indigenous art, a path of red dresses, “Honouring our Sisters” video and red dress pins and earrings that will be available to purchase. All the proceeds will go to the Drag the Red Campaign. Miigwetch (Thank you)”- Nicole Jones, Project Manager, Indigenous Initiatives, Healthy and Safe Communities Department
Quick facts
- The key objectives of the Hamilton Urban Indigenous Strategy are to:
- Identify actions within municipal jurisdiction and capacity arising from the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada’s Final Report.
- Celebrate and honour Indigenous people, cultures and traditions.
- Promote a greater understanding among all Hamiltonians through public education on the histories and contributions of Indigenous peoples.
- Create opportunities for education and internal collaboration among City staff to strengthen the relationship with the Indigenous community and service providers.
Additional resources
- Urban Indigenous Strategy: www.hamilton.ca/indigenous;
- nicole.jones@hamilton.ca, 905-546-2424 ext. 7552
- shelly.hill@hamilton.ca, 905-546-2424 ext. 4081
- Event and Exhibit information: www.hamilton.ca/dundurn; dundurn@hamilton.ca; 905-546-2872
- View full list of events presented by Hamilton Civic Museums
- For a comprehensive events calendar, download the City of Hamilton CityApp, for Android and iOS users, through Google Play and App Store