Beach Boulevard Community Flood Remediation Study
Hanna Daniels, Project Manager
Water & Wastewater Systems Planning
Call 905-546-2424 Ext. 3421
Email [email protected]
Hamilton’s Beach Boulevard Community has a history of being flood prone, due to various factors including the low-lying nature of the topography and rising lake levels. The Flood Remediation Class EA is being undertaken to further understand the causes of flooding in the Beach Community and develop a comprehensive flood remediation strategy.
Location: The Beach Boulevard Community links Hamilton to Burlington, and creates the embayment for Hamilton Harbour and Cootes Paradise. The Study Area extends approximately from the Burlington Bay at the north limit, to Confederation Park at the south limit.
Study status: Active
Classification: Master Plan and Class EA
Project Implementation: Being completed as a Master Plan, with the objective to develop focused and action-oriented recommendations, which can be translated into an effective capital program.