Council Approves new Strategic Plan
HAMILTON, ON – June 8, 2016 – Tonight, Council approved the 2016-2025 Strategic Plan for the City of Hamilton. The Plan features the City’s Vision, Mission, Culture and Priorities. The plan and priorities were informed by over 54,000 resident aspirations gathered through the Our Future Hamilton engagement initiative and input from more than 3,200 staff conversations.
"The City of Hamilton’s newly approved Vision, To be the best place to raise a child and age successfully, and Mission, To provide high quality cost conscious public services that contribute to a healthy, safe and prosperous community, in a sustainable manner, acknowledges our diverse community and recognizes that all ages and stages of life play a role in a vibrant community," said Mayor Eisenberger. "The inclusiveness is in the spirit of the contribution all citizens make and of our breadth of services and support for everyone in Hamilton."
“Hamilton’s new Strategic Plan will guide our decisions and investments around the services we deliver to the community for the next ten years,” City Manager Chris Murray said. “We will be establishing performance measures to track progress as we seek to continuously improve, show value to the taxpayer and achieve the goals Council has established.”
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