Notice of Addendum for New Septage New Septage Waste Haulage Receiving Station EA
Project Background
In 2019, the City of Hamilton completed a Schedule ‘B’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study to determine the preferred location for a new septage waste haulage receiving station (SWHRS).Through the evaluation of a number of areas, the preferred site was located on Dartnall Road between Rymal Road East andTwenty Road East. Following the Class EA, the City was unsuccessful in securing land for the proposed new SWHRS.
As such, the City has now initiated a Class EA Addendum to find a new preferred location for the new SWHRS. This Addendum study will focus on changes to the 2019 Class EA recommendations and preferred solution.
The Addendum Process
The Addendum study will follow the planning and design process as defined in the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 & 2015).
Online Public Consultation
A virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held as part of the Addendum study. The PIC will present a summary of changes to the 2019 Class EA recommendations and preferred solution.The PIC is tentatively scheduled for Spring 2022.

We would like to hear from you
e are interested in hearing any comments or concerns you may have with respect to this study. Comments received through the course of the study will be considered in selecting the preferred solution. Information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will be become part of the public record. If you would like more information or would like to be placed on the Study mailing list, please contact:
Sharon MacPherson-Németh
Project Manager
City of Hamilton
Water & Wastewater Systems Planning
100 King Street West , 9th Floor
Hamilton, ON L8P 1A2
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 2087
Email [email protected]
Please contact the City of Hamilton regarding disability accommodation requirements.
This Notice issued January 21st and January 28th, 2022