City amends idling by-law to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions
HAMILTON, ON - As part of the City of Hamilton’s ongoing commitment to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, this week, Hamilton City Council approved amendments to the existing City Idling Control By-Law to regulate the idling of vehicles.
“Reducing the idling of vehicles is a small but important change that everyone can do to improve air quality in our City”.
- Jason Thorne, General Manager, Planning and Economic Development
The By-law states that no person shall cause or permit a motor vehicle to idle for more than three (3) consecutive minutes in a sixty-minute period. Vehicles in contravention of the By-law may receive a fine of $100. “Idling” means the parking or standing of a motor vehicle, while the combustion engine is running and is not being used to operate auxiliary equipment that is essential to the basic function of the motor vehicle.
An important amendment to this By-law includes the transfer of enforcement to the City’s municipal parking division. Since “idling” is more properly categorized as a “parking offence” it can be enforced under the City’s Administrative Penalty System.
Current resources in this division will also allow for a more efficient and expedient response to vehicles in contravention of the Idling By-law. This amendment aligns with the recently approved Corporate Climate Change Task Force Plan, which targets a 50 per cent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030.
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