Stories from the Edge Wine and Cheese Opening Reception
HAMILTON, ON - The public are invited to attend a Wine and Cheese Opening Reception of ‘Stories from the Edge’, an exhibition celebrating the history of Ancaster, on Thursday June 13 from 6 pm to 8 pm at Fieldcote Memorial Park & Museum, 64 Sulphur Springs Rd.
Guests will enjoy live music, a digital application and state-of-the-art video art introduction, and an opportunity to step into the sights and sounds of the picturesque landscape of the Niagara escarpment.
“Some people believe that every object has a spirit. We invite you to come and hear the stories that these objects have to tell.”
Lois Corey, Curator
Ancaster has attracted humans since the retreat of the last glacier over 10,000 years ago. Using 31 stories and artifacts, one for every year the museum has been open, the exhibition features ‘snapshots’ of Ancaster’s history from the earliest human occupants to the present day.
The main floor gallery will also feature the ‘Anything You Can Imagine’ exhibit of art work by students of Ancaster High School which runs until June 15.
Quick Facts
Live Performances by
- Caroline Wiles, singer and guitarist; including her recent composition, “Lover’s Lane”’
- Hadahawis Parent, indigenous song and drumming
Exhibit highlights include
- An ancient spear point that may have been used to hunt woolly mammoth or caribou
- Indigenous history of the area
- ‘The Bloody Assize’ - in 1814 Ancaster was the site for an historic trial for high treason
- UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve
Craft beer samples provided, and wine bar presented, by Cavallo Nero Restaurant
Special thanks to exhibit sponsor; The Shaver and Cranston Family Foundation
Call 905-648-8144 or email [email protected] to RSVP
Additional Resources
- For the full list of events and exhibits presented by Hamilton Civic Museums,
- For a comprehensive events calendar, and full interpretation of the ‘Stories from the Edge’ exhibit, download the City of Hamilton CityApp, for Android and iOS users, through Google Play and App Store.