Property Use By-laws

For more information or to report a downed tree
Call 905-546-2489 or
Email [email protected]
Hamilton has several by-laws that ensure properties are kept to a minimum standard. These by-laws help keep neighbourhoods clean and safe. You should be familiar with the by-laws to understand your responsibilities and avoid by-law violations. The most commonly requested by-laws are listed below or you can read about all Hamilton By-laws.
No Hamilton residents can set off family fireworks except on Victoria Day and Canada Day weekends without a permit. You need written consent from the property owner if you intend to set off fireworks on a property that you do not own. Any person 18 years of age and over who is duly authorized under the Explosives Act (Canada) and approved as a Display Fireworks Supervisor may apply for a permit to hold a fireworks display on days other than those specified in the By-law. Call 905-546-3344 for more information about this permit.
If you want to build a fence on your property, you must follow the standards and guidelines set out by Hamilton’s Fence By-law and Hamilton's Fencing of Private Outdoor Swimming Pools.
Read about Hamilton’s Fence By-law 10-142 and Hamilton's Fencing of Private Outdoor Swimming Pools By-law No. 03-125
No person can make or permit an unreasonable noise or a noise that is likely to disturb their neighbours in Hamilton.
Read about Hamilton’s Noise Control By-law No. 11-285 and exemptions for various activities.
Noise Exemption Permit Application
A Noise Exemption Permit Application may be made when a company, person or event believes they are going to exceed the allowed regulations in the Noise By-law.
Fees to apply for a Noise Exemption Permit:
Application Fee for all Noise Permit Types: $261
Types of Noise Exemption Permits
There are two different types of Noise Exemption Permits (each has their own application)
A construction project may require work to be done outside the permitted times of 7 am to 7 pm. If this is required, they should complete an application and submit it with payment with as much advance notice as possible.
To apply Complete the Noise Exemption Permit Application - Construction and submit in person or by fax to:
Municipal Law Enforcement
77 James Street North, Suite 250
Hamilton, Ontario, L8R 2K3
Fax: 905-540-6280
Includes events on private property to allow for noise such as amplified sound (music, speakers, microphones). This could be for a fundraiser, backyard party, wedding, cultural event, etc.).
Conditions for Noise Exemption Permits are:
This Permit is posted in a conspicuous place at the address during the event where it can be viewed by police, municipal law enforcement and the public.
Amplified sound does not exceed 90 dBA as measured 10 metres from its source.
Amplified sound does not exceed 60 dBA at any point on a property, including City property, other than the address of the event.
The volume of the sound is lowered or turned off immediately during the event at the request of police or municipal law enforcement.
This permit expires upon a breach of any of its conditions.
To apply complete the Noise Exemption Permit Application - Event and submit in person or by fax to:
Municipal Law Enforcement
77 James Street North, Suite 250
Hamilton, Ontario, L8R 2K3
Fax: 905-540-6280
For inquiries call 905-546-2782 or email [email protected].
The City may impose certain conditions such as:
- the type and volume of the noise that may be made
- the times during which noise may be made
- the period of time during which the exemption permit is in effect
If the applicant is found in contravention of any conditions in the Exemption Permit, the permit may be rescinded.
If you have a rural property, you can apply for an open air burning permit to burn clean wood or brush.
Read about Hamilton’s Open Air Burning By-law No. 02-283.
Property owners are prohibited from using pesticides on their property within the City.
Read more about Hamilton’s Pesticides By-law No. 07-282 and exemptions.
All property owners must maintain and repair the interior and exterior of their property in accordance with certain standards. These standards are put in place to protect the health and safety of occupants and the general public.
Read about Hamilton’s Property Standards By-law No. 23-162.
Appeal a Property Standards Notice to Comply
A property owner has the right to appeal the Order to Comply to the Property Standards Appeal Committee for a decision.
How to Submit a Notice of Appeal
Review the Property Standards Appeal procedure
- A completed Notice of Appeal must be sent by registered mail or personally delivered to the Committee Clerk on or before the appeal deadline date (14 days after the Date Issued on the Order if it was served in person or 19 days after the Date Issued on the Order if it was sent by registered mail).
- Include the Appeal Fee of $186 ($164.60 + HST). Cheques or money orders are payable to the City of Hamilton. Do not send cash in the mail.
- Send the completed Notice of Appeal, a copy of the Order, Fee and any other required documents to:
City of Hamilton
Office of the City Clerk
Attention: Property Standards Committee Secretary
71 Main Street West, 1st Floor Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5 - Submit any documents that support your grounds of appeal, such as photographs to:
Jean Ramsay
Project & Policy Assistant
330 Wentworth Street North, 2nd Floor
Hamilton, ON L8L 5W3
Call 905-546-2424 ext, 5157 Fax: 905-643-1198
Email [email protected]
Note: If the Owner will be represented by another party (“Agent”) at the Hearing, the Owner must complete and sign the Authorization to Act as An Agent form, and submit it along with the Notice of Appeal.
You must not act in a way that could be considered a public nuisance. Such acts include urinating or defecating in public places and knocking over mailboxes, relay boxes, newspaper boxes, recycling boxes and waste collection containers.
Read about Hamilton’s Public Nuisance By-law No. 20-077
You must clear all snow and ice from your sidewalks within 24 hours after a snowfall, or 24 hours after a series of snowfalls.
Read about Hamilton’s Snow off Sidewalks By-law No. 03-296.
You must ensure that standing water does not accumulate on your property between April 1 and October 31 of each year. Standing water can be a breeding area for pests, including mosquitoes, and is likely to interfere with the enjoyment of the use of private properties and public areas.
Read more about Hamilton’s Standing Water By-law No. 03-173 and exemptions
Many trees on front lawns are actually on the road allowance, which is City-owned property. You must not trim, cut, remove, nail, rope, wire or fasten anything to a City-owned tree.
Trees on public property By-law No. 15-125
Trees on private property
Trees that are on private property are protected by by-laws based on the former municipality that you live in.
- Urban Woodland By-law No. 14-212
- Ancaster By-law No. 2000-118
- Dundas By-law No. 4513-99
- Stoney Creek By-law No. 4401-96
Trees on private property in the rural area
If you own a vacant building, you must register the vacant building with the City. Read about Hamilton’s Vacant Building Registry By-law 10-260.
You must not feed wildlife on your property, except for birds. If you feed birds, the feeding must not disturb your neighbours. Read more about Hamilton’s Wildlife By-law 12-130.
You must keep your property clean of waste and ensure grass and weeds do not exceed 20 cm (8 inches) in height. The exterior of property needs to be free of graffiti including all buildings, structures, fence, walls and vehicles.
Read about Hamilton’s Yard Maintenance By-law 10-118.
Request to Review By-law Fee
If you are not able to meet an Order to Comply under the Yard Maintenance By-law and the Property Standards By-law you will be charged a fee by the City of Hamilton to complete the work. If you do not agree with the fee you can submit an appeal.