Hamilton Releases Staff Report on Province’s Bill 66 (Planning Act Changes)
HAMILTON, ON - The City of Hamilton has released the staff report which provides comments on the proposed Planning Act changes and proposed regulations in the Province of Ontario’s Bill 66 - Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018.
The Planning Act changes are to introduce a new planning tool – the “open-for-business planning by-law.” The purpose of the legislation is to provide municipalities with an economic development tool that would allow them to act quickly to attract new major employment opportunities.
The City of Hamilton Planning Committee will be considering the staff report at the upcoming February 5, 2019 meeting.
View the staff report at www.hamilton.ca/provincialplanningmatters
Members of the public are invited to attend or speak at Planning Committee on this matter.
Quick Facts
- Bill 66 - Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018 (Provincial Planning Act changes)
- The Provincial Government released Bill 66 which includes changes to the Planning Act and companion regulations.
- The City provides comments to the Province on proposed planning legislation to ensure the City’s interests are considered if changes are made to the proposed legislation.