“Hammer City” announced winner of Pier 8 Promenade Park Design Competition
HAMILTON, ON - September 22, 2017 - Mayor Fred Eisenberger today announced at Pier 8 that the City of Hamilton will award the design contract of the new Pier 8 Promenade Park to the design team led by Forrec Ltd. for their proposal “Hamilton: Hammer City” as winner of the Pier 8 Promenade Park design competition.
The Forrec proposal was one of six design concepts for Pier 8 Promenade Park that were unveiled on Thursday, August 24 and were on display at the Lister Block, Pier 8 and online from Thursday, August 24 until September 10. Members of the public were invited to review the design concepts and provide comment on how well the designs incorporated the park vision, design objectives and program elements. 276 comments were received and posted on-line.
The winning design was selected by a volunteer jury of experts based on design excellence, innovation, response to the vision and goals for the park, and community opinions. The jury noted the following about the winning proposal in the Jury Report:
“The design team playfully employs materials and features that reflect the marine and industrial heritage of the site to create a unique sense of place that will become a destination along the Waterfront Trail.” - Pier 8 Promenade Park Design Competition Jury
The Forrec Ltd. team will work with the City’s Waterfront Development team to develop a detailed design and documents to implement their proposal. Construction on the park is anticipated to begin in spring 2018.
The full Jury Report (PDF, 137 KB) is now available.
Additional resources & information
The Promenade Park, approved by Council as part of the Pier 7+8 Urban Design Study, is an integral feature in the City of Hamilton’s bold vision for an accessible, inclusive, diverse and mixed-use waterfront district
- The six competing design teams are led by: MBTW Group; Hargreaves Associates; Janet Rosenberg & Studio; Forrec Ltd.; PFS Studio; and gh3
- Design competition costs, including design team stipends and jury costs, will be covered through an $185,000 donation from the Patrick J. McNally Charitable Foundation, as part of the foundation’s pilot project to enhance and improve public spaces in Hamilton
- View more information about the Pier 8 Promenade Park
- Learn more about Hamilton's Waterfront Redevelopment