Notice of Study Commencement and PIC 1 for Main & Whitney (HD17A) Water Pumping Station EA
The City of Hamilton has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) study following the Schedule B process to develop and assess alternative solutions to replace the existing Main Street & Whitney Avenue (Main & Whitney, HD17A) Water Pumping Station (WPS).
The City of Hamilton is planning to construct a new water pumping station to replace the existing HD17A WPS at a new site near its current location to provide water service to Pressure District 17 (PD17). The purpose of this Class EA study is to determine the preferred location for a new pumping station within the study area (see Figure) to service customers in PD17, and to enhance water system security and reliability.
This study will define the problems/opportunities associated with the existing HD17A WPS, assess alternative solutions, and determine the preferred location for a new WPS. A conceptual design will be completed identifying the main design aspects of the preferred alternative. Once the new pumping station is commissioned, the existing HD17A WPS will be decommissioned.
Additional project information is located on the City’s webpage at:

The Process
This project is being carried out as a Schedule B project under the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended to 2015).
How to Participate
The City of Hamilton encourages the public and stakeholders to participate in this planning process. Public input and comments are encouraged throughout the Class EA process and can be directed to the project managers listed below. There are two Public Information Centres (PIC) planned for this study. The first PIC will present existing conditions and the problem/opportunity statement as well as obtain feedback about the study. We invite you to participate in Public Information Centre No.1. This event will be held virtually on the City’s webpage to protect the health and safety of Hamilton residents and our staff. The PIC No. 1 will be available virtually from May 12, 2022 until June 2, 2022.
We are interested in hearing any comments or concerns you may have with respect to this study. Comments received through the course of the study will be considered in selecting the preferred solution. Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of the Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. Anyone that wishes to comment on or to involve in this study should indicate their interest to:
Florentin Novac
Project Manager
City of Hamilton
100 King Street West, 9th Floor
Hamilton, Ontario L8P 1A2
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 2823
Email [email protected]
Shelley Kuan
Project Manager
IBI Group
300 - 2620 Bristol Circle
Oakville, Ontario L6H 6Z7
Call 905-763-2322 ext. 63600
Email [email protected]
Please contact a project team member if you require accommodations or alternative formats to participate in this Class EA. All information related to accommodation requests will remain confidential.
This Notice was issued on April 29, 2022 and May 6, 2022 in the Hamilton Spectator.