Media Release
Temporary access restrictions for Kimberly/East Mountain Escarpment stairs
Hamilton, ON – June 28, 2016 – The City of Hamilton is advising the public there will be pedestrian and cyclist access restrictions at the Kimberly/East Mountain Escarpment stairs. More specifically, the restrictions will be on the upper section of the Escarpment stairs that connect Mountain Brow (Margate Ave) at the top of the escarpment to the Rail Trail (mid escarpment), and the Kenilworth Stairs (lower escarpment).
Emergency repairs will begin Tuesday, July 5 to Monday, August 8, 2016 and include work to stabilize movement of the stairs and also repair erosion at the base foundations.
The City of Hamilton’s Public Works Department thanks the community for their patience and understanding during the completion of this work.
City & Council
Public Works
Parks & Green Space
Date modified