Dickenson Road (Upper James St to Glancaster Rd)
Patrick Yip, Project Manager
Infrastructure Planning
Email [email protected]

We want to hear from you!
You are invited to attend Public Information Centre #2. This event will be held in person, and the presented information will also be posted online.
Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Time: 6 to 8 pm
Location: Mount Hope Community Hall, 3027 Homestead Drive, Mount Hope
The City of Hamilton initiated the Municipal Class EA process for Dickenson Road between Upper James Street and Glancaster Road, within the Airport Employment Growth District. The corridor has been identified for improvements to address long-term transportation requirements and to provide a transportation network consistent with the Airport Employment Growth District Secondary Plan
Location: Dickenson Road (Upper James Street to Glancaster Road) is located within the Airport Employment Growth District Secondary Plan Area.
Study status: Active
Classification: Schedule C (Phases 3 & 4)