Elfrida Subwatershed Study

Margaret Fazio, Senior Project Manager
Infrastructure Planning
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 2218
Email [email protected]
The City of Hamilton has initiated a Subwatershed Study for the Elfrida Study Area. The purpose of the Subwatershed Study is to develop a plan that allows sustainable development, while ensuring maximum benefits to the natural and human environments on a watershed basis.
The Subwatershed study is intended to present an approach to manage resource use that will protect, rehabilitate and enhance the environment within the Elfrida Study Area limits, as well as downstream.
Location: The study area limits for the Elfrida Subwatershed Study is generally bounded by Mud Street East to the north, Second Road East and Hendershot Road to the east, Golf Club Road to the south, Trinity Church Road to the west, and following the existing urban boundary on the northwest.
The Elfrida Study Area spans 5 subwatersheds:
- Upper Davis Creek
- Hannon Creek
- Twenty Mile Creek
- Sinkhole Creek
- Stoney Creek
Study Status: Active
Classification: Master Plan