15 trespassing charges issued yesterday at Albion Falls
Zero tolerance for ignoring posted signage and accessing prohibited areas
HAMILTON, ON - August 17 - The City of Hamilton is reminding the public that entering prohibited areas at Albion Falls, including the bottom of the falls, will result in a $135 trespassing charge under the City’s Parks By-law 01-219.
City by-law enforcement officers continue to patrol Albion Falls and charge individuals ignoring posted warning signs and attempting to gain access beyond the fences. Yesterday, officers issued 15 trespassing charges.
One charge was a Part III summons issued to the injured visitor that emergency personnel rescued from the bottom of the falls. The Part III summons, which officers issued to the individual while being treated in hospital, comes with a provincial court date and a potentially larger penalty if convicted.
“The continued trespassing activity at Albion Falls is alarming. Safety provisions that the City has put in place are there to protect the public. This is a zero tolerance situation. If you are in the falls or around the falls, and off a marked trail, you are violating the Parks By-Law and will be charged.”
Ken Leendertse, Director of Licensing and By-Law Enforcement, City of Hamilton
In total, 51 trespassing charges have been issued since the start of by-law enforcement at Albion Falls (July 17, 2017). In addition, officers have issued 284 parking tickets at Albion over the past month.
Zero Tolerance
- To date, the City of Hamilton has completed the installation of approximately 215 metres of fencing and more than 30 warning signs at Albion Falls in an ongoing effort to ensure public safety in the area
- To assist the public, the City’s Public Works department will be installing new “map signs” clearly identifying the locations of parking lots, main trails, viewing platforms, and other safe places to see the falls (see attached)
- There is no safe access to the bottom of Albion Falls and swimming at the bottom of the falls is prohibited
- Due to the continued contraventions at Albion Falls, the City is taking a zero tolerance approach to enforcement – any visitor found in trespassing will be charged under the Parks By-Law
In the continued interest of public safety, visitors to local waterfalls should exercise caution, stay on the marked trails, respect the posted signage and observe the waterfalls from the viewing platforms.
Additional Resources
Visit hamilton.ca/waterfall-safety for safety tips
Video: Safely Enjoy Hamilton’s Waterfalls