2017 Rain Barrel Sale: May 13, 2017
HAMILTON, ON - May 12, 2017 - With spring upon us, it’s time to think about how to get your garden the water it needs to flourish. Why not chose an easy option by using a rain barrel to capture rain water this spring?
The City of Hamilton is holding its annual, one-day rain barrel sale this weekend to promote wise water use. By installing a rain barrel, residents are creating their own free source of water that they can use for their gardens or even washing their cars.
The City has partnered with local vendor Rainbarrel.ca for the 9th annual truckload rain barrel sale. Rain barrels are available for $45.95 and include all necessary accessories for installation.
If pre-ordered online, residents can have their rain barrel delivered to their home for $9.95.
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2017
Time: 8 am to 12 pm
Location: Mohawk College, Fennell Campus (southwest parking lot) 135 Fennell Avenue West, Hamilton