Advancing physical literacy at the 5th Annual Ontario Physical Literacy Summit
Hamilton, ON - September 7, 2017 - The City of Hamilton, SportHamilton and local community partners continue to work to advance physical literacy. Together they are hosting this year’s 5th Annual Ontario Physical Literacy Summit. This year’s summit will emphasise the importance of building a “Foundation 4 Wellness”, highlighting the value of enjoying daily physical activity throughout the lifespan with the theme: Everybody, Everywhere, Everyday.
The public is invited to register and choose from over 40 sessions and four keynote speakers. This Summit brings together leaders, educators, health professionals, coaches, parents, and sport and recreation specialists. Their aim is to advance the knowledge, application and implementation of physical literacy programming across the province.
- Date: Friday, September 22, 2017
- Time: 7:30 am to 4 pm
- 7:30 to 8:15 am - Registration
- 8:20 am - City of Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger welcome/opening remarks
- 8:45 am - Keynote speakers and sessions commence
- Location: Redeemer University College, 777 Garner Road, Ancaster
Keynote Speakers
- Dr. John Cairney, Professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Toronto and Chair of the Physical Literacy Research Group at Sport4Life
- Dr. Dean Kriellaars, Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy, School of Medical Rehabilitation in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba
- Dr. Colin Higgs, Professor Emeritus in the School of Human Kinetics, Memorial University, Newfoundland
- Brandy Tanenbaum, Program Co-Ordinator, Office of Injury Prevention, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, Toronto
More information and registration
For more information and to register visit: