Bus Shelter Replacements
Hamilton, ON - As part of HSR’s 2019 Shelter Renewal Program, funded through PTIF Phase 1 (50% Municipal and 50% Federal), this month we will begin to replace approximately 500 transit shelters throughout the City of Hamilton, with the first 45 replacements scheduled to start January 15, 2019.
Replacing our transit shelters is part of a broader strategy as we continue to build a more modern HSR service that improves the customer experience.
Notices will be posted in advance at the existing shelter locations advising customers of the disruptions, as well as on social media. Temporary stops will be identified for the duration of the removal and installation. As work schedules are tentative and may be affected by weather conditions, we are asking our customers to please prepare for inclement weather conditions while the new shelter is pending installation.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience while the new shelters are being installed.