City of Hamilton reminds drivers to slow down and move over as part of their road safety campaign
HAMILTON, ON - This morning, the City of Hamilton is launching a month-long campaign aimed at educating drivers about roadside emergency protocol. The “Slow Down, Move Over” campaign is part of the world-wide Vision Zero initiative.
In collaboration with the Hamilton Police Services, the City of Hamilton is reminding drivers to slow down and move over to go around stopped roadside emergency vehicles and tow trucks parked on the side of the road.
The law requires drivers to slow down and pass parked emergency vehicles with caution. If they are travelling on a multi-lane road, drivers are required to move over and leave one lane between their vehicle and the stopped emergency vehicle. Drivers who fail to do so risk facing fines as high as $2,000.
The City will continue to implement Vision Zero practices in order to make the City of Hamilton the safest place to raise a child and age successfully.
To learn more about the move around campaign, visit