COVID-19 Update: Updates from the City of Hamilton - Jun. 16, 2020
HAMILTON, ON - Today, the City of Hamilton is providing another update to the community on the City’s response to COVID-19 and Hamilton Reopens. As of 9 am this morning, there are 764 confirmed positive cases, 7 probable cases, and 42 deaths from COVID-19 in Hamilton. More details about cases are available on the City’s website including demographics, risk factors, exposure, etc.
Yesterday, Premier Ford announced that beginning Friday June 19, the City of Hamilton can enter Stage Two of reopening. This means outdoor dining services at bars and restaurants, shopping malls, personal care services, water and other outdoor recreational facilities, beaches, and certain other businesses, services and areas may reopen.
As per the Provincial direction and the Hamilton Reopens plan, the City is preparing to reopen some areas as permitted under Stage Two, as outlined below. However, while the City’s plan is meant to align generally with the Province’s framework for reopening Ontario, we will make our own announcements regarding reopening of individual amenities.
Pools and Spray Pads
The City is currently making preparations to reopen indoor and outdoor pools and spray pads. We will announce the details and timing for reopening these amenities as soon as possible.
All beaches in Hamilton will reopen on Friday, June 19.
Outdoor Recreational Facilities
Outdoor team sports may resume for training purposes only, with no scrimmages or games. More details on booking City fields for training purposes will follow as soon as possible.
Please note that all playgrounds, play structures and outdoor fitness equipment remain closed at this time.
Community Centres
While the Province has allowed community centres to reopen to the public with limited or modified on-site programs, and services, at this time our municipal community centres will remain closed to the public.
Museums and Heritage Buildings
While the Province has allowed museums and heritage buildings to reopen to the public, at this time our museums and heritage buildings will remain closed to the public.
In addition to these municipal reopenings, the City is supporting the reopening of certain workplaces and public places in Hamilton.
Guidance for Businesses and Workplaces
As more businesses and workplaces continue to reopen, the Provincial Government and the City of Hamilton have released guidelines for businesses and workplaces to reopen safely.
The Workplaces and Public Places webpage includes guidance documents, posters and signage, as well as focused information for:
- Child care centres
- Community gardens
- Faith-based gatherings and funerals
- Harm reduction settings
- Residential buildings – laundry and elevators
- Restaurants and other food premises
- Summer day camps
- Taxis and ride sharing
- Water safety
- Personal service settings
Outdoor Dining in Hamilton
As part of the Stage Two announcement, bars and restaurants may now open for dining in outdoor areas only, such as patios, curbside, parking lots and adjacent premises. They must take appropriate measures to ensure physical distancing of at least two metres between patrons from different households, including using reservations, limiting the number of patrons allowed in the outdoor space at one time, and ensuring enough space between tables, including to allow for movement. Access to indoor facilities will be limited to patio/outdoor dining area access, food pickup, payment, washrooms or other health and safety purposes.
In May, Hamilton City Council approved a motion to create or extend temporary outdoor patios until the fall of 2020 to support Hamilton’s culinary scene. This will allow restaurants additional seating capacity outdoors in order to reopen under the new restrictions. At this time, the City has received more than 80 inquiries from interested businesses and 30 formal applications have been submitted for review and approval.
Transit Updates
Fare Collection
Beginning July 1, 2020, HSR, TRANSCAB and DARTS will resume fare collection and return to front door loading on HSR for all customers, including customers requiring the use of a wheelchair, scooter or other personal mobility device (PMD). As well, HSR will increase bus capacity to two-thirds the usual load, and will continue to add supplemental service on busier routes to help minimize crowding and potential customer pass-bys.
Customer Service Counters
Starting June 17, 2020, the Customer Service ticket counter at 36 Hunter St. Go Station will resume normal business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in order to allow customers to renew monthly passes, purchase and reload PRESTO cards and to purchase tickets. The ticket counter will also open on June 20 and June 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to assist customers with these transactions. We will not be processing credits for monthly passes at this time. More details to follow in the coming weeks. Seniors will have priority front-of-line access between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. daily. Please note: the customer service desk at 2200 Upper James, and all other City of Hamilton facilities remain closed. Customers can continue to purchase their passes and tickets at Participating Vendors.
“With the City preparing to reopen certain areas as permitted under the Province’s framework, I will ask for our community to have patience as we work to make sure our reopening is safe, successful and does not undo the progress we have made so far. Please continue to follow public health recommendations including practicing physical distancing, wearing a non-medical mask when physical distancing is difficult to maintain, washing your hands often and staying home when you are sick. Thank you, Hamilton, for working together to slow the advance of the virus in our community.”
- Mayor Fred Eisenberger
- Public Health Services’ COVID-19 Hotline: 905-974-9848 or [email protected]