Family-Friendly Historic Cooking and Garden Event: Plant Bake Hunt Eat!
HAMILTON, ON - The cooks and gardeners at Dundurn National Historic Site invite the public to join them for a fun hands-on family event in Dundurn Castle’s historic kitchen and garden on Sun. Jul. 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 610 York Blvd.
Children and their adults will enjoy making an 1850s recipe in the historic kitchen below stairs led by costumed cook demonstrators. While the historic culinary masterpiece is baking in the 19th century cast iron range, participants will engage in a special activity in the beautiful Kitchen Garden. An interactive scavenger hunt in Dundurn Park will lead guests to a tasting of the historic recipe they prepared in the kitchen.
“We offer unique experiences in the kitchen where we can deeply connect to our Canadian food history and discover period cooking methods that invite celebration and create community.”
Janet Kronick, Historic Kitchen Coordinator, Dundurn National Historic Site
Quick Facts
- Costumed cooks assist participants with historic recipes.
- Costumed Garden staff use 1850’s tools and varieties to grow food for Dundurn Castle’s historic kitchen.
- Tickets must be pre-purchased and are available online for $55 for one adult and one child. $20 for each additional child.
Event Listing
Plant Bake Hunt Eat! Family Friendly Historic Cooking Workshop
Dundurn National Historic Site, 610 York Blvd., Hamilton
Join our costumed interpreters for a hands-on workshop packed with family friendly fun. Your visit includes a fun tour of the incredible 2-acre historic kitchen garden, planting historic seeds to take home and grow, a scavenger hunt, and preparing a historic recipe in the kitchen. Conclude your visit with a tasting of your delicious treats!
Date July 21, 2019
Time 10 am to 12:30 pm
Ages All
Cost $55 for 1 adult and 1 child. $20 for each additional child. Pre-registration is required.
Contact 905-546-2872, [email protected],
Additional Resources
- For the full list of events presented by Hamilton Civic Museums,
- For a comprehensive events calendar, download the City of Hamilton CityApp, for Android and iOS users, through Google Play and App Store
- For high resolution images, contact Brenda Branch at 905-546-2424, ext. 7527 or [email protected]