First confirmed local case of COVID-19 has Hamilton connection
HAMILTON, ON – A Hamilton Health Sciences radiation oncologist who resides in Halton Region is the first confirmed local case of COVID-19 virus.
The doctor recently returned from a trip to Hawaii and is now in self-isolation. Patients and staff who were in contact with the doctor are being identified and contacted
In collaboration with HHS, Hamilton Public Health is ensuring the following:
- Those who were in direct contact with the physician have been directed to go into self-isolation at home, for a period of 14 days.
- Others, including patients, who may have had indirect exposure because they were in clinic at the same time are being asked to self-monitor for any symptoms (fever above 38 degrees, coughing, nausea, etc.) and report the onset of any illness to public health officials.
The City of Hamilton’s Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has been activated with a Level 1 Incident Management System response. When there is a need for formalized planning around an event that has the potential to impact city services, the City activates the EOC as detailed under the City’s Emergency Plan.
The purpose of the activation is to plan and prepare City services in response for COVID-19. The focus will be on the continuity of operations within the city. The operational cycle will be determined at each meeting. Public Health will continue to lead and coordinate the broader community response from a public health perspective.
The Provincial Operations Centre has been informed of the City of Hamilton activation of their Emergency Operation Centre.
Residents can be assured that the risk to our community continues to remain low however it is important to help limit the spread of the virus in our community by washing your hands regularly with soap and water, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing and avoiding traveling to high-risk destinations as listed by the Government of Canada
The City’s Public Health team continues to remain informed of this rapidly evolving situation and encourages residents to continue to visit the City of Hamilton’s website for further information on the City’s response at Residents can also contact Hamilton’s Public Health Hotline at 905-546-2424 ext. 7970 or via email at [email protected] for local COVID-19 updates.
“Hamiltonians should be aware that the COVID-19 risk remains low in our community but the situation is continuously evolving. People are encouraged to continue taking everyday precautions to prevent the spread of all illnesses such as handwashing and staying home if you are ill. More information can be found on the City’s website at” - City of Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger
“City of Hamilton Public Health Services is working closely with health partners to identify and follow-up with any possible contacts. The health and safety of health care workers, patients and our community are our first concern. We are continuing to work together with our partners and the Province to manage the COVID-19 situation as it evolves.” - Dr. Elizabeth Richardson, Medical Officer of Health, City of Hamilton
“The Hamilton Paramedic Service has been working closely with City of Hamilton Public Health, local hospitals and allied agencies, including Hamilton Police and Hamilton Fire, to prepare for a response in the community. Our Paramedics are fully trained and have all the required protective equipment to treat COVID-19 patients effectively and efficiently.” - Michael Sanderson, Chief, Hamilton Paramedics
Michelle Shantz
Communications and Media Advisor
Office of Mayor Fred Eisenberger
[email protected]
Jen Recine
City of Hamilton
[email protected]