Hamilton Provincial Offences courts are closed and POA administrative services reduced
HAMILTON, ON - Hamilton Provincial Offences court services, located 50 Main Street East, have been reduced until further notice. Courtrooms are closed effective Monday, March 16, 2020 at 8 am up to and including April 3, 2020. All matters will be rescheduled to a later day once courts resume. The public is not to attend court for any court appearances during this time period.
The POA administration office will remain open to provide limited Provincial Offences counter service which includes ticket payments and applying for a reopening of a matter.
Members of the public are encouraged to access payment and other services online:
- Customers wishing to make a fine payment may do so by visiting the City’s website at www.hamilton.ca/pay-your-ticket
- Customers may also find out the status of their case or to schedule an early resolution meeting by accessing this information on line at www.ontario.ca/ticketsandfines. You will require the location code of 4760 and the offence number printed on your ticket.
For further updates visit the City of Hamilton website at www.hamilton.ca and/or the Provincial website www.ontariocourts.ca/ocj