It’s Your Neighbourhood. So Tell the City of Hamilton What You Think About Short Term Rentals
HAMILTON, ON – The City of Hamilton knows that short term rentals are popping up in Hamilton. For many home owners, this is a way to add much needed income to their household while others say that it creates challenges in their neighbourhoods. Moreover, others say there’s the concern that they are possibly limiting affordable housing options across the city.
The City of Hamilton would like to know what you think about short term rentals. That’s why the City is launching a short, easy-to-fill-out survey, which is available 24/7 for three months. We want you to take the survey when, and where, it’s convenient for you.
In order to hear from as many people as possible, the City is widely promoting it in your neighbourhood. Please tell your relatives, neighbours and friends. At the end of the survey, we will ask for your postal code. This is so we can ‘map’ the answers to see how neighbourhoods are responding. That’s all we will ask you.
You will see posters and promotional materials at our recreation centres, Hamilton Public libraries, arenas, seniors’ centres, public counters throughout City Hall and all our municipal centres. The Mayor and Members of Council will also have information regarding the survey.
Can’t remember the website details? Don’t worry. You can pick up a small reminder card to take home with the website address on it when you visit a facility.
The survey runs from September 7 – December 7, 2018.
It’s your neighbourhood. So tell us what you think.